Welcome to FengYuan Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd.

Company News

Investment in Calcined Petroleum Coke Industry


The calcined petroleum coke industry is an energy-intensive sector that utilizes crude oil distillates and residues. The demand for the product is driven by rap...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Industry Growth


In the future, demand from different industries for titanium dioxide, aluminum and steel will increase. The market is also growing owing to the adoption of adva...

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Health Effects of Calcined Petroleum Coke


Petroleum coke is a carbon-rich by-product of oil refining that can be used as fuel, an energy source or for industrial processes. Coking crude oil produces hea...

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Optimizing Calcined Petroleum Coke Production


Petroleum coke is a carbon-rich byproduct of crude oil refining. The solid coal-like material has low levels of sulfur and trace elements, making it suitable fo...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke in Energy Production


Oil refineries produce a variety of by-products. One of these is petroleum coke, which can be calcined to make it suitable for use as an energy source. Calcined...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Vs Green Coke


Petroleum coke is a solid byproduct of oil refining and contains high levels of moisture and volatile matter. This moisture is removed by heating the coke in a...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Production Environmental Concerns


In order to produce calcined petrol coke, large quantities of natural gas and coal are required. Both of these emit emissions which have an impact on the enviro...

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How to Find the Best Calcined Petroleum Coke Suppliers


Petroleum coke is a byproduct of oil refining that is typically stockpiled as waste. The coke can be converted into a variety of products including fuels, but i...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Market Trends


The global calcined petroleum coke market is expected to grow significantly in the forecast years because of rising construction spending in developing countrie...

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Challenges in Calcined Petroleum Coke Production


The aluminum industry has depended on calcined petroleum coke (CPC) as the preferred fuel for carbon anode production since the invention of the Hall-Heroult pr...

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