Welcome to FengYuan Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd.

Company News

Calcium Refining for Steel Inclusion Morphology Control


The size, number and morphology of inclusions strongly affect the damage behaviour in hot-deformed AHSS grades by creating privileged locations for crack nuclea...

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Calcium and Steel Electrical Conductivity


Electrical conductivity is the ability of a material to carry electric current. Metals such as copper and aluminum are highly conductive and are used in electri...

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Calcium Treatment for Steel Microstructure Refinement


Calcium treatment is an effective way to modify oxide inclusions into low melting temperature inclusions that do not cause clogging problems. [21]Figure 1.7 sho...

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Calcium Addition For Steel Surface Quality Improvement


Ca is added to improve fluidity, cleanliness and surface quality of steel. It also reduces gas content and prevents nozzle blockage during casting.Inclusions we...

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Calcium Impact on Steel Malleability and Ductility


Malleability is the ability of a metal to be deformed under stress without breaking. It is a critical property in metals because it allows them to be easily sha...

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Calcium Alloy and Steel Welding Characteristics


Adding metallic calcium can greatly reduce the number and size of inclusions in welding rod steel. In addition, it can also improve the equiaxed microstructure...

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Calcium Desulfurization Process Optimization in Steel Production


In steel production, calcium desulfurization is a key process in terms of quality and cost. This is particularly important in the BOF process.Carbide treatment...

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What is the Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Calcium and Steel?


Thermal expansion is a property of all materials that changes with temperature. When a material's temperature increases, it expands; when the temperature decrea...

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Calcium Injection Techniques in Steelmaking


Calcium treatment has become a widely used steelmaking technology. One of its earliest applications involved avoiding nozzle clogging in continuous casting; cal...

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Calcium Alloy For Steel Strength Enhancement


Alloy steel is a cornerstone of modern industries, with its remarkable properties and adaptability driving progress across many sectors. It’s made of iron...

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