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Pure Calcium Wire Techniques

Pure Calcium Wire Techniques

Steel melting processes are prone to a number of problems, such as low output, high consumption of wire, frequent breakage in the wire feed process, and SEN obstruction. Cored wire feeding units are used to combat these problems. These units are equipped with cored wire made of a combination of a steel core and a composite of a calcium powder sheath and a cold-rolled, low-carbon metal strip. By using a cored-wire feeder to place the wire in the steel molten pools, it can achieve a better result than directly spraying or pouring calcium onto the metal. The process of steelmaking can run much smoother, with the addition of calcium being controlled more precisely.

Cored wires can also help to alter the quality and composition of the molten metal as well as deoxidize, desulfurize and alloy steel. This wire is useful for treating aluminium-killed and corroded molten steel. It can also be used to improve the quality. This can reduce the cost of ironmaking by decreasing the amount of energy, raw materials and steel scrap.


Compared to conventional CaSi and CaFe cored wires, the metallurgical performance of pure calcium cored wire is significantly better, allowing much lower quantities of calcium to be injected into the molten metal and thereby drastically cutting down on the cost of the Calcium treatment. As a result, Hi-Cal(r), the best and most affordable Calcium cored steel wire currently available in the market is now the only choice!

Hi-Cal has a thicker coating than the conventional wires, allowing it to penetrate deeper into the molten iron. The steel column will generate enough pressure to keep the cored steel liquid. This means that less melted calcium is introduced to the steel, which makes it more soluble and able to react much more quickly with the inclusions.

The sheath is thick enough to ensure that calcium powder doesn't float above the metal molten, but remains firmly embedded. The core is prevented from oxidizing quickly and the calcium can be added more precisely. Hi-Cal® has been used successfully in large European steel plants to cut the amount of calcium inbound from conventional cored copper wires in half. Energy and money were saved. Hi-Cal's (r) ability to lower refractory prices, improve steel quality and increase yield makes it a very cost-effective solution. A full set of technical data on Hi-Cal(r) is available upon request. To find out more, contact your local STEELMET representative.

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