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Affordable Pure Calcium Cored Wire

Cheap Pure Calcium Cored Wires are used during the steel-making process in order to improve the performance and cost of molten alloy steel by reducing sulfur and oxygen contents. The wire is used for removing inclusions in the steel melting. It is cheaper to operate and has better quality. It is also more efficient than spraying calcium into molten steel, because it can be fed into the steel mash at an optimal depth. It also helps to reduce the slag blocking in casting operations.

With a cored wiring injection system, the metal-calcium wire is wrapped in a protective sheath and injected directly into molten steel for modification of inclusions (Deoxidation), desulfurization (Desulfurization) and de-oxidation. The metal is recovered in the melting process much faster than with virgin CaSi/CaSi. These cored wires cost less than the traditional additives of calcined Dolomite, Calcium Sulphate or Magnesium Silicate (MgSiO3).


It is a cored metal wire that consists of an inner core of calcium particles surrounded with a thin sheath. The wire can be made in different lengths, and it is used to inject into molten metal to enhance the cost and performance of metallurgy. It can also reduce the amount of rare earths, alloys, and other elements that are added to the steel molten, reducing production costs.

To maximize efficiency, it is essential to feed the wire core at a level below the evaporation points of the calcium. It can be done in two ways. First, increase the thickness of iron sheath so that it does not melt prematurely and affect the calcium release. Second, feed the wire at a faster rate to accelerate the calcium evaporation.

Max-Cal cored wiring is another way of increasing the efficiency of cored steel wires. This is the first calcium cored steel wire which combines the three most important characteristics: high metallurgical properties, low costs and high purity of the metal used.

If you would like to know more about the benefits that using calcium cored steel in your facility will bring, then please do not hesitate to contact us. Our expert team will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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