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Pure Calcium Cored Wire Deals

Pure Calcium Cored Deals

Calcium is an element that reacts. The metal calcium is an element that reacts. It has the widest range of uses and is considered to be the most important alkaline-earth element.

Cored wire is an important addition to the steel smelting mix. This additive can improve results on both deoxidation, as well desulfurization. It is essential to understand how cored-wires function and the effects that they have on the metalurgical process to ensure the best results.

According to the type of alloy used, cored cable can be classified as silicon-calcium cord, metal calcium iron cored coil or pure-calcium. The production of high quality steel relies on this component. The calcium can be mixed directly into the iron melt and provide better results than powdered calcium. It has a higher density and lower melting point, so it can easily penetrate the layer of slag in the melt. This means that it can penetrate deeper in the ladle and reach the bottom faster than calcium powder, achieving excellent metallurgical results.


Pure-calcium cored wire can be used in a variety of ways, but it is most effective for the treatment of Aluminum killed steel. This wire is very good at deoxydating and desulfurizing Al-Si dead steel. Also, it can help reduce slag blockage in the nozzle of the casting. Additionally, the calcium content of slag can be increased, which reduces treatment costs.

It is very important that you pay close attention to both the order of addition as well as the method of injection when adding the calcium iron cored steel to the molten metal. Correct injection will ensure that the correct amount of calcium has been added to the steel and prevent many problems. It is important to also keep in mind the temperature of the steel molten.

MINCAL Xcel is a wire with a core that was developed by Minex. It provides superior recovery and performance on all steels, e.g. Al killed, Al-Si killed and Si killed, reducing inventories of CaSi, CaFeAl and CaFe. It can replace calcium iron and save costs by reducing the quantity of pure calcium required for Calcium treatment in liquid steel. The alumina inclusions (AL2O3) in the steel can also cause nozzles to clog. It is highly efficient at removing slag. It is a cost-effective option for aluminum-killed steel and can reduce costs by replacing calcium iron and CaSi. All grades of steel are suitable, from ultra-high carbon steel to low-carbon.

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