The morphology, quantity and position of inclusions can significantly influence the properties of AHSS grades. This is because they can create privileged locati...
A calcium addition has been found to improve the fluidity and cleanliness of high alloy steels. The calcium modifies the inclusions and precipitates in the molt...
In the steelmaking process, calcium refining agents play a crucial role in sintering and steel melting as well as in secondary metallurgy processes. Calcined do...
Heat transport in metals is mainly due to electrons, and their conductivity coefficient is proportional to the temperature gradient. However, many researchers a...
Calcium carbide is a useful industrial chemical that has numerous uses. It is a key additive in the steelmaking process and can be used for deoxidization, desul...
Non-metallic inclusions play a critical role in the quality of steel products. Their composition, size, and distribution depend on current smelting conditions....
The most effective ways to prevent nozzle clogging during continuous casting of steel are inclusion count reduction, inclusion modification by calcium addition...
Adding calcium to steel improves its corrosion resistance, fatigue strength, impact toughness and plasticity. It also increases its machinability, casting perfo...
Calcium is a soft silvery white metal that can be found as an ingredient in many heat treatment processes. The purpose of these processes is to strengthen the s...
Technical calcium carbide, as well as metallic and silicocalcium, is an effective oxygen deoxidizer in steel production. It has been found that calcium treatmen...
Calcium Alloy Optimization for Steel Properties
2023-08-30The morphology, quantity and position of inclusions can significantly influence the properties of AHSS grades. This is because they can create privileged locati...
Read MoreCalcium Impact on Steel Micro-Cleanliness
2023-08-30A calcium addition has been found to improve the fluidity and cleanliness of high alloy steels. The calcium modifies the inclusions and precipitates in the molt...
Read MoreCalcium Refining Agents Selection in Steelmaking
2023-08-30In the steelmaking process, calcium refining agents play a crucial role in sintering and steel melting as well as in secondary metallurgy processes. Calcined do...
Read MoreCalcium and Steel Thermal Conductivity
2023-08-30Heat transport in metals is mainly due to electrons, and their conductivity coefficient is proportional to the temperature gradient. However, many researchers a...
Read MoreCalcium Alloy Production for Steel Industry
2023-08-30Calcium carbide is a useful industrial chemical that has numerous uses. It is a key additive in the steelmaking process and can be used for deoxidization, desul...
Read MoreCalcium Inclusions Control in Steelmaking
2023-08-30Non-metallic inclusions play a critical role in the quality of steel products. Their composition, size, and distribution depend on current smelting conditions....
Read MoreCalcium Addition for Steel Castability
2023-08-30The most effective ways to prevent nozzle clogging during continuous casting of steel are inclusion count reduction, inclusion modification by calcium addition...
Read MoreCalcium Influence on Steel Welding Properties
2023-08-30Adding calcium to steel improves its corrosion resistance, fatigue strength, impact toughness and plasticity. It also increases its machinability, casting perfo...
Read MoreCalcium and Steel Heat Treatment Processes
2023-08-30Calcium is a soft silvery white metal that can be found as an ingredient in many heat treatment processes. The purpose of these processes is to strengthen the s...
Read MoreCalcium Deoxidation Methods in Steel Production
2023-08-30Technical calcium carbide, as well as metallic and silicocalcium, is an effective oxygen deoxidizer in steel production. It has been found that calcium treatmen...
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