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Graphite Electrode Raw Material

Graphite electrodes are used to make steel in electric arc retorts. They are a crucial part of the steel-making process.

A study showed that workers in carbon electrode factories were at a higher risk for lung, larynx and pharynx tumors. It could be related to exposure to polycyclic hydrocarbons.


Needle Coke

It is also called acicular coal. Needle coke can be used for the production of graphite electrodes in steel and aluminum electric arc furnaces. Through a series physical processes it can be produced from Fluid Catalytic Cracking Decant Oil (FCC), or coal-tar pitch. It is unique in its properties, such as low viscosity (low thermal stability), and high oxidizability.

In the process of carbonization, needle coke has long-range microstructural order which translates to crystalline order on a macroscopic scale. Its crystalline structure determines the electronic and CTE properties of the finished graphite electrode.

Calcined needle coke can be used as the raw material in specialty carbons such as UHP electrodes and lithium-ion anodes. China has increased its capacity, but it is still unclear if they can meet the quality requirements. This is due to the preference for petroleum needle coke for quality reasons and the market expansion of EVs requiring carbon anodes with higher energy density.

Petroleum Coke

Petroleum coke is a carbon byproduct of oil refining. It is used in the production of carbon anodes for aluminum smelting and graphite electrodes for steel making. It is also used as a fuel in solid fuel boilers to generate electricity and as a raw material for cement. Petcoke of higher quality, containing less sulfur, is also substituted for coal by power plants.

Needle Coke's fiber structure is unique, and it can be used to make high-power electric arc electrodes. Sulfur content, ash composition, volatile content and true densities are all strictly regulated.

Low-grade petcoke with higher levels of heavy metals and sulfur is used for fuel. Fluorination of different needle coke grades with F2, ClF3 and plasma fluorination resulted in increased first coulombic efficiency, surface disorder and SEI formation.

Coal Pitch

A semisolid, dark coal-pyrolysis byproduct. Coal Pitch serves as the principal binder to make carbon anodes used for electrolytic aluminum production. Also, coal tar is used to manufacture other products like industrial silicon carbide blocks or crucibles.

During the carbonization process, different tars and pitches are produced, depending on the carbonization temperature and oven dimensions. This tars and pitch can have a significant difference in chemical composition. For example, they may be different due to the presence or non-existence of certain compound classes and/or their quinoline solubles content.

The long-term use of coal tar in roof and pavement construction is known to cause lung cancer. Laboratory animals have also shown that it causes genotoxicity. Due to this, it is best to avoid coal tar pitches. The Zero QI pitch is used to impregnate Carbon & Graphite Electrodes in order to give them technical properties, and create anode of top quality.

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