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Company News

Alternative Energy Sources to Reduce Calcined Petroleum Coke Production Emissions


Oil coke has many applications in the aluminum, steel and chemical industries. It is primarily used as a source of combustible fuel but also has value in the pr...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Industry Conferences


The conferences for the calcined petrol coke industry provide a forum where key players can meet other buyers, sellers and end-users to discuss current market c...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Disposal Methods


Petroleum coke has many uses and is one of the most important by-products in commercial production. It's hard, brittle granular and coarse material, which conta...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke in the Pharmaceutical Industry


Calcined petroleum coke is a black-colored solid material that contains carbon, sulfur, metals, and nonvolatile inorganic compounds. As a raw-material, it is wi...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Production Training


Petrol coke is produced as a byproduct during oil refining. The substance, which is black and solid with high heat specificity but low vaporization pressure, ha...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke in the Nuclear Industry


In the nuclear industry, calcined petroleum coke is used to make fuel for a nuclear reactor. It is produced from a petroleum byproduct that is made during the r...

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Government Regulations on Calcined Petroleum Coke Production


To reduce pollution, the government wants to tighten regulations for calcined coke. In addition to more stringent standards on air quality, new regulations for...

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The History of Calcined Petroleum Coke


Petroleum coke is a solid byproduct of oil refinery coker units. Green coke is the raw petcoke straight out of coker. Green coke may be burned as fuel or furthe...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke in Battery Manufacturing


In order to maintain the required high charge-discharge rate, negative electrodes in lithium ion second batteries for use by vehicles and industrial equipment a...

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Profitability in the Calcined Petroleum Coke Industry


The rise in crude-steel production is the main driver of profitability in the industry. Steel production is increasing in rail, vehicles, and the highway indust...

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