Welcome to FengYuan Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd.

Company News

Transporting Calcined Petroleum Coke in the Shipping Industry


Many other uses are possible for petroleum coke. The most important thing to remember about calcined petroleum coke is that it must be transported and stored sa...

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Petroleum Coke Industry News


The by-product from crude oil refining is Petroleum Coke. It is used to produce aluminum, steel and fuels, among other things. You can buy it in two versions: f...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Supply Chain


Companies involved in coal processing and distribution make up the calcined coke supply chain. This report identifies, analyzes, and compares the key players in...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke in Electrode Manufacturing


Petcoke (also called petroleum coke) is an oil-refining byproduct that contains a high carbon content. It's often used as a raw material for graphite electrodes...

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The Role of Calcined Petroleum Coke in Graphite Production


The production of graphite for use in nuclear reactors requires that it be substantially free of impurities which have a high neutron capture cross section. The...

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Petcoke Transport Regulations


Petroleum coke, commonly known as petcoke, is a byproduct of the petroleum industry and is a black solid substance that is similar in many ways to coal. Energy...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Production Costs and Applications


The process of producing calcined oil coke involves heating crude to high temperatures. Carbon-rich solids with low melting points are produced. They can then b...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Packaging Options


Petrol coke, a byproduct of refining oil, is used in many industries. The material, which is made of carbon with a very high degree of purity, has multiple appl...

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Quality Testing for Calcined Petroleum Coke


Petcoke (also known as coal coke) is the carbonaceous waste product of the oil refinery process. In addition to being used as carbon for graphite electrodes, it...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Industry Reports


Growing numbers of players within the Calcined Petroleum Coke market are engaging in a range of activities that will help them expand their global presence. The...

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