Welcome to FengYuan Metallurgical Materials Co., Ltd.

Company News

Electrically Calcined Anthracite For Carbon Anode Paste Production


Electrically Calcined Anthracite is a heat-treated anthracite coal that is used in carbon anode paste production, cathodic carbon block, and carbon brick. The p...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Reviews


Petroleum coke is an extremely versatile carbon material. It has low ash, and a high content of carbon. This makes it an ideal fuel. It can also replace coal in...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke in Iron and Steel Making


Steel and iron production is one of the biggest industrial energy consumers in world. It is a major contributor of greenhouse gas emissions. The steel and iron...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Physical Properties


It is important to understand the physical properties of calcined coal (CPCoke), as they are vital for its use when producing graphite or carbon. The calcinatio...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Industry Advancements


The calcined oil coke industry is always evolving as producers seek new uses for this byproduct. The aluminum, steel and cement industries continue to be major...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Stockists


Petroleum coke, also known as petcoke, is a solid byproduct of oil refining and can be used directly or it can be processed to make a wide variety of products....

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Pricing Trends


Recent pricing trends for calcined oil coke have been on the negative side. Despite the consistent increment in prices of the feedstock crude oil, pet coke pric...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Sales Forecast


The report on calcined petrol coke sales forecast provides a thorough analysis of current situation, including market share and growth rate, as well as the comp...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke in Chemical Industry


The use of calcined petrol coke is increasing in the chemical industry, with a rise in demand from steel and aluminium smelters. Calcined Petcoke is dense fuel...

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Calcined Petroleum Coke Shipping and Logistics


Calcined petroleum, also called petcoke, or calcined coal, is a solid product of oil refining. It is used in a variety metallurgical processes. It is obtained b...

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