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Electrode Paste Information

Electrode Paste Information

The paste is made of carbon and used to produce ferro-alloys, calcium carbide or other materials in electric submerged arc furnaces. The paste is made up of two components: a binder (usually coal tar) and solid filler, such as anthracite or another carbon-based substance. The electrode paste is pressed into the shape of an electrode, which is then baked in a carbon-based furnace charge. The finished electrode has a high conductivity and is resistant against mechanical stress.

Orient Carbon Industry produces electrode paste according to the Soderberg method in two main steps. First, the synthetic graphite is produced and then it is impregnated with phenolic resin to make it waterproof and improve its mechanical properties. The resulting waterproof graphite is then used to produce process equipment, such as electrodes for Smelting and refractory applications.

The Smelting Furnace feeds the electrode paste in three different forms: eggs, briquettes and cylinders. The electrode paste is formed into cylinders, eggs and briquettes of different sizes. The main components of electrode paste are coal tar and solid carbonaceous materials, such as electrically calcined coke or anthracite. Coal tar pitch is typically imported from South Africa. It has a softening temperature of 240 degrees Celsius. Solid filler is made by blending coal tar and various CPC fractions with ECA.

The Flowability of the electrode paste is of great importance to the performance of the final carbon electrodes. It is important that the paste can flow and be filled into the casings of the electrodes at an acceptable temperature, while maintaining the consistency of the materials. The paste also must be able to withstand the high temperatures of the smelting operation without breaking.

The Binder is adjusted during the mixing procedure to achieve these properties. The plasticity of the electrode paste, which is measured by its Flowability, can be varied in accordance with customer requirements.

In addition, due to the high resistance of the electrodes in terms of temperature, it is possible to keep a consistent temperature during the melting process. The energy required to melt the metal is also reduced. The electrodes' good conductivity allows them to produce more metal and increase efficiency.

In recent years, environmental and sustainability issues have become increasingly important. The market for electrical pastes is also growing. In response, innovative formulations are being developed that minimize impact on environment and appeal to environmentally-conscious consumers. COVID-19 has also affected the market. But it's slowly returning to levels before the pandemic. In the future, the market is likely to be driven by these three trends.

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