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Electrode Paste Uses and Composition

Electrode paste is used for making carbon electrodes in submerged arc furnaces. These electrodes are used to provide an electrical current for the mix charge which, in turn, facilitates the aluminum melting process. Electrode Paste, a critical component in the aluminum production process, is used properly to ensure its success. Electrode Paste can be used for a variety of purposes, including transferring heat and electricity to the charge mixture as well as separating aluminum from alumina. This paste helps maintain stable voltage, which improves the quality and efficiency of ferroalloy products.

Composition of electrode paste is composed of an assortment of different materials such as metallurgical pitch (or coke), coal tar pitch, and anthracite. Carbon paste is not affected by high temperatures due to the chemical stability of the components. The low content of ash also prevents impurities in the product from being contaminated.

Orient Carbon Industry, a leader in the production of Premium Grade Electrode Pastes, Calcined Petroleum Coke (CPC) and Graphite Blocks. The production involves several steps. It starts with producing synthetic graphite using petroleum coke. The material is impregnated in phenolic resin, which makes it waterproof. It also improves its mechanical properties. It is then ground to a fine powder and mixed with anthracite and coal tar pitch to form an electrode paste. This paste is used to produce carbon electrodes according to customer requirements.

This carbon electrode is then rolled into a cylinder shape and packed into steel strapped containers. Plastic can be used to cover the electrodes and protect them from damage. The Hall-Heroult Process and other metalurgical processes that use carbon electrodes commonly require cylinder electrodes.

In addition to its thermal resistance, cylinder electrode paste also has good adhesion properties, allowing it to adhere to the metallic support structure of the carbon electrode. Carbon electrodes can therefore withstand the heat of aluminium melting.

This low ash level in electrode paste makes it less likely for the paste to degrade at the higher temperatures associated with an electric furnace. Carbon electrodes are more reliable and perform better, which translates to lower costs.

Orient Carbon Industries uses a special production formula to produce high-quality electrolyte paste. In order to produce electrode paste, the production method begins with the screening of anthracite or petroleum coke that has been electrically and calcined. After this is done, the material is pulverized then weighed in order to establish the relative proportions. The screened material is then preheated in a Sigma type mixer and mixed with the correct amount of liquid coal tar pitch binder, depending on the desired plasticity. This paste is then cast in blocks, and sent to the customer.

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