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ECA for Carbon Cathode Block Production

Anthracite, one of the most important strategic input materials for the aluminium melting process, is calcined to be used as Soderberg blocks and cathode and electrode carbon blocks. These are the main components that determine the smelting stability and efficiency.

The Hall Heroult cells in the smelter are operated electrolytically. An electrical current is used between two carbon cathodes (carbon anodes) to reduce aluminum oxide (Al2O3). The carbon-cathode block serves as the main lining of the aluminium electrode cell. It is required to have good resistance against sodium corrosion and erosion, high strength, and low heat expansion.

Cathode Carbon Block is a graphitized form of carbon that is used for the bottom liner in the aluminium electrolysis cells. It is made from high-quality raw materials such as anthracite (anthracite), coke, and graphite. It is used primarily in large-scale aluminium electrolytic cell and has an obvious power saving and long life.

We developed an innovative high-density graphitized cathode based on novel raw materials. The new block offers a greater wear resistance as well as a longer potlife. This contributes to a better cycle performance, and lower production costs. This new technology also supports the resource circulation of SCC and reduces the environmental threats caused by this hazardous solid waste.

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