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Calcined Anthracite For Friction Materials Durability

Carbon is the most flexible element in modern friction material and comes in various forms. According to the application, friction material ingredients can be categorized into 5 different categories: steel wool, fibers, fillers and modifiers. Calcined anthracite, one of these key components, is used to ensure high durability in friction materials.

Anthracite coke is the hardest, densest type of coal. It also burns cleanly. It is a jet-black, non-agglomerating and free-burning type of coal. It was formed during the Carboniferous period, by intense pressure that shaped and compressed the original bituminous coal into anthracite coal. Anthracitization refers to the transformation of bituminous coals into anthracite. It contains the highest fixed carbon content and the least amount of impurities among all four types of coals.

Anthracite, due to its high thermal conductivity and low moisture content is harder than bituminous coke. It is also known for its resistance to abrasion, corrosion and abrasive wear. Its luster is semi-metallic and has a slight brown reflection. The Hardgrove Grinding Index (HGI), which measures the amount of energy required to grind it, is lower. It does not contain any fibrous or soft notches.

Calcined anthracite can be used as a raw materials for various carbon products. These include ramming, electrode, and carbon pastes. It is an important reducing agent for metal smelting. In addition to its exceptional strength and chemical resistance, calcined anthracite coke is low in sulfur and ash, making it a premium product for many industrial applications.

Yunai Carbon, a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-quality calcined alumina for friction materials. We are committed in providing our customers with top-notch services and products. Our calcined anthracite can be delivered in big bags and has the lowest dust content in the industry. For the best possible quality, we use only anthracite coal that comes from the Gorlovsky deposit located in Ningxia. We offer both anthracite lumps and fines in different sizes.

Electrically calcined coal (ECA), Gas calcined coal and graphitized petroleum are the main types of calcined athracite that is used to produce friction materials. ECA is a high purity, calcined anthracite that is used mainly for the production of Prebake electrodes, Soderberg and tamping pastes, and cathode blocks. It contains a large amount of fixed carbon, a small amount of sulphur, ash, and moisture. It has an equal particle size distribution, is electrically and thermally conductive. Gas-calcined anthracite has a different particle size distribution than ECA. It is also calcined instead of using electricity. The calcination process temperature is typically lower, and this results in fewer physical changes to the coal matrix. It still has a high fixed carbon content and excellent smelting performances.

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