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Use Fesiba Inoculant for Sale

Ductile iron is used in a wide variety of applications. It offers higher impact and fatigue-resistance than gray cast iron, and it is ideal for components that must withstand heavy loads.

New foundry inoculants cost-effectively improve graphite structures and help reduce chill in ductile iron castings. The inoculants contain bismuth, which reacts with rare earths to optimize graphite nucleation.


Strontium is an alkaline earth metal that is similar to calcium and barium. It is a soft, silvery metal that reacts rapidly with oxygen and must be stored in an airtight container. It occurs in nature mainly as the rare carbonate mineral strontianite. It is also found in ferrite magnets and in zinc refining processes.

Strontium has been shown to be effective in the inoculation of cast irons, particularly those that contain nodular graphite. It has been proven to be very useful in reducing the tendency of these irons to form carbides (chill) within the thinner sections of the casting.

The addition of strontium in this manner improves the machinability of the cast iron and reduces the hardness. It may be added to the melt either directly as a pure metallic substance or in the form of a strontium enriched master alloy. The latter can be added to the surface of a quiescent or agitated cast iron melt through mechanical injection with a lance, tuyere or suitably designed rotary degasser or through pneumatic injection through a submerged device such as a cage.


Bismuth is a naturally diamagnetic metal that has a low melting point, and it has one of the lowest values of thermal conductivity among all metals. It is used in combination with other metals such as tin, lead, and cadmium to make low-melting alloys that are used in safety devices. Bismuth is also used as a substitute for lead in solders due to its non-toxicity.

In addition to its casting uses, bismuth is a common ingredient in dental fillings and other dental work. It is also used in jewelry and for a variety of other purposes, including coatings, pigments, and electronic components.

Bismuth salts are bacteriostatic and bactericidal against Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), and they are being tested as an add-on to conventional triple eradication regimens. It is also used in some cancer treatments. High-purity bismuth can form distinctive hopper crystals, which are popular with hobbyists. Inhalation of bismuth dust can cause irritation to the respiratory tract and eyes.

Ferro Silicon Barium

Silicon barium alloy is a widely used deoxidizer in steel smelting. It can easily react with oxygen to form silicon dioxide, resulting in the removal of sulfur and phosphorus from molten steel. It is also a long-acting and efficient inoculant for gray cast iron and ductile iron. It can improve the fluidity of molten iron, remove impurities and promote graphite spheroidization. It is a more economical and effective alternative to ferro silicon.

The inoculant alloy consists of a controlled calcium and barium content. It is particularly suitable for grey cast iron because it has a strong nucleation effect. In addition, it has a good desulphurizing and nodularizer effect. It is more efficient than other inoculants and prevents chilling much better than ferro silicon. It can also reduce the section sensitivity of cast irons. It is a highly effective alternative to in-stream inoculants and in-mold inoculant tablets. It is easy to use and can be applied in conventional induction furnaces.

Silicon Germanium

Silicon germanium is a semiconductor alloy. It offers several benefits over silicon, such as lower surface free energy, lower work function, and higher atomic mobility. It is also more stable against corrosion and less sensitive to heat expansion. Its low melting point allows it to be used in thinner films than silicon. It can be made in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and is very useful for electronic devices.

Research has shown that ion-plated silicon and germanium coatings on 52100 bearing steel reduce friction and wear, especially in the presence of mineral oil. The ion-plated coatings improve the surface of the metal, which increases resistance to oxidation.

In some embodiments, an investment casting alloy comprising silver (Si), 0.2-3 wt% germanium and copper and boron as grain refiner is disclosed. The alloy is capable of producing a bright, stain-free casting that is crack and void-free after investment cast. It is particularly suitable for use in applications requiring high-temperature machinability.

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