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Maintenance Procedures For Nodulizer Lump China

The nodulizing process is a more complex approach to graphite production. It involves crushing ROM oxide ore into lumps and then noduling the nodules. This can have high capital and operating costs. In addition, it requires a higher specific thermal energy consumption and can have lower operating factors.

Ferro Silicon Magnesium Alloy Inoculant is one kind of hot metal additives which input in the manufacturing process of spheroidal graphite iron. It has good mechanical strength and also has the function of deoxidization, desulfurization.

1. Clean the Kiln.

Keeping the kiln clean is one of the most important aspects of kiln maintenance. It is important to vacuum the kiln on a regular basis to ensure that it stays as clean as possible. You can do this by using a vacuum cleaner with a long hose so that you can reach all of the corners of the kiln.

The grate preheater is a chamber with a chain-like high-temperature steel moving grate, located on the cold end of the rotary kiln. The grate is covered with a layer of dry rawmix, and the hot combustion gases from the kiln pass through it. This dries and partially calcines the rawmix very effectively, so that only powdery “fresh” material is blown out of the kiln.

Trace elements such as mercury and thorium enter the combustion gas, but are not released into the environment owing to their chemical behaviour during clinker burning and the high retention capacity of the preheater and exhaust gas purification systems. In contrast, nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) are emitted to a large extent.

4. Check the Kiln Lining.

A rotary nodulizing kiln’s lining is subjected to intense abrasion and thermal-mechanical shock. Replacement of a burning zone lining over the full length of the kiln can be a costly necessity, and one that puts a strain on operating budgets and production schedules.

In addition to the abrasion, sudden temperature changes can cause a mechanical stress on the kiln lining that can result in the sagging or breaking of the liners. It is therefore important that circumference temperatures remain the same in any given location throughout the kiln, and that temperature changes occur gradually rather than abruptly.

Additionally, ensuring that the kiln cools down slowly when shutting down is an important part of preventative maintenance. Retaining a small fire during shutdown can help to conserve heat and retard cooling.

5. Check the Kiln Doors.

In some cases, the kiln may not be firing up because of loose power wires. This is usually caused by worn contacts or poor transfer of power to the elements. In this case, you should inspect and replace the switches or contactors.

In other cases, the kiln may be displaying inaccurate temperature readings. This can be due to several factors, such as a low voltage or a defective thermocouple. To correct this problem, you should calibrate the pyrometer using an instrument of known accuracy.

It is also possible that the kiln is not firing up because the shut-off switch is turned off or because of a blown fuse. You should check and replace the fuse if necessary. You should also check the kiln’s grounding and make sure it is properly connected.

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