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Electrode Paste for Electric Arc Furnace

The electric arc furnace is an essential part of modern steel production. It converts scrap steel into molten metal through the application of intense heat from graphite electrodes, which are composed of specialized grades of graphite and binder materials. The electrodes' electrical conductors, also known as self-baking electrodes or anode past, are essential to the EAF. However, the performance of these electrodes is highly dependent upon the quality of raw materials that were used in their manufacture.

Rongxing, in order to achieve the highest possible quality for anode carbon paste, has developed a product of high-quality called Soderberg electrolyte carbon paste. It is produced from calcined petroleum coke (or calcined pitch coke, electrically calcined anthracite coal), calcined anthracite and coal tar pitch, and other additional materials. It is used as a conducting material in ion-alloy furnaces, calcium carbide furnaces and other ore smelting electric-arc furnaces.

Henan Rongxing’s Soderberg carbon paste is characterized by its tight control of consumption, low resistivity, low ash, excellent sinterability, high thermal expansion coefficient, and compact structure. It is ideal for submerged arcs furnaces of all kinds, but especially for producing ferroalloys.

Electrode Paste for Electric Arc Furnace

The anode mixture is a mix of a solid binder, such as petroleum coke or coal tar, and a solid, solid filler. It is fed to the smelting columns in different shapes such as cylinders. eggs, briquettes, or polygonal block. The anode past is heated up in the furnace to between 450-470 degC, depending upon the type of binder and anthracite.

During the melting process, the anode is exposed to high temperatures which can cause stress on the electrodes. It is therefore necessary to ensure that the electrodes can withstand this stress without cracking and breaking under normal operating conditions.

It is important to characterise the thermal behaviour of the raw materials used in electrode paste. A thermomechanical analysis technique was used in this study to investigate the dimensional changes that occur as the anode paste is heated during the smelting process. It was found that coal tar pitched shrank. Anthracite calcined expands 0.6-1.0% if heated beyond its baking isotherm.

In addition to the above, the anode paste needs to have a good thermal conductivity and sinterability. In order to achieve this, the raw materials must be carefully selected and the manufacturing process of the anode paste must be controlled closely. Only then will the anode be able to perform consistently throughout the entire melting process. This will not only ensure the quality of the smelted steel but also increase the energy efficiency and productivity of the EAF. This will lead significantly to a reduction in tap-to-tap time. This will increase the overall efficiency of the steel making operation and contribute to better economics for the industry.

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