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Pure Calcium Cored Wire Equipment

Pure Calcium Cored Wire Equipment (PCCW) is a wire that is made up of an inner solid calcium wire and outer steel sheath. It is used in the steelmaking process to treat the molten steel. It has a number of advantages, including reducing steel oxygen content, improving steel quality, and increasing steel strength. It can be used to deoxidize and desulfurize steel. It can be used in various steel types, such as cast iron and high-silicon low-alloy steel.

The solid core metal calcium wire is injected into the molten steel at high speed and then melted together with the slag. This allows for the calcium to reach the required depth in the slag and reduces the absorption and oxidation. The sheath around the cored wire also helps to prevent slag from clogging up the steel. Moreover, the sheath can improve the yield.


Cored wires are available in both self-shielded and gas-shielded versions, depending on the application. The wires can be operated using CO2 or Ar/CO2. The latter is preferred to avoid excessive carbon accumulation when welding stainless and high alloy materials.

The cored wires are also very stable and have low spatter levels. These characteristics have led to their high demand in the automobile industry. Cored wires can be used in situations that require high deposition rates, such as the production of car body panels and other components. The global market of cored wires is expected to grow over the next few years, due to its wide range applications in manufacturing. The market is also driven by the growth of emerging economies.

The global market for Pure Calcium Cored Wire Equipment can be segmented based on the type of product, the end user and industry. In most applications, the self-shielded wire is preferred because it produces better metallurgical outcomes than the gas-shielded wire. It is also easy to use and does not require any additional shielding gas or special lance system. It can also be fed with the existing cored-wire feeding equipment in the plant.

The pure calcium wire is the most widely used product. This is because it can be easily adapted to different steel types and offers many advantages over traditional cored wires. Its unique production method makes it the ideal solution for steel mills, allowing them a higher quality of steel. This results in an increase in production and a reduction of costs.

The insulated outer sheath of the pure cored wire protects the core from contact with the slag. This helps to reduce the amount of slag deposited on the core, which is essential for maintaining a stable arc. Sheaths also help to reduce slag and increase calcium recovery. This is especially important for large-diameter metals because it allows the wires penetrate deeper into the layer of slag.

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