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Electrode Paste Handling

Continuous self baking electrodes, also known as Soderberg electrodes, are used to move the molten steel carbon from the charging zone into the melting zone in the smelting chamber. These electrodes are made up of a coal pitch binder with a solid filler, typically coke. The formulation and additives allow for improved thermal stability and workability. This allows the paste to be shaped and fabricated into electrodes with different sizes and shapes. A high level of electrical conductivity makes it possible to transmit current from the converter to the electrode.

In order to ensure consistent performance, electrode paste must withstand high temperatures, thermal shocks, and oxidation in the furnace. This is possible because the raw material contains a high amount of carbon, which offers superior resistance to thermal shocks and oxidation. The addition of a polymer binder and moderate organic solvents further enhances the electrode's dimensional stability and resistance to oxidation. Surfactants and plasticizers also improve the flowability and plasticity of the electrode, making it easier to mold into desired shapes.

Electrode Paste Handling

Electrode pastes are produced in two main steps at Orient Carbon: first, synthetic graphite is manufactured. It is then impregnated by phenolic to improve mechanical characteristics and make it waterproof. Finally, the electrode is shaped into various sizes and designed according to specific requirements.

Once the electrode has been transformed, it is placed in the column of the smelting oven, where further changes will occur. As the arc hits, the carbon particles start to bind together and create a conductor of electrical power. This process is known as "coking" and, after the coking is complete, the electrode is cooled down to ambient temperature.

During this cooling stage, the electrode's properties continue to improve. The resultant graphite insulating layer is dense, thick and has excellent thermal conductivity. This allows the electrode to transfer electricity more efficiently from the arc to the metal melting zones of the smelting furnace.

This layer is also chemically stable, which makes it more resistant to oxidation. The electrode's lifespan is therefore increased. It is also easy to handle because of its extremely low expansion rate.

The global market for electroplating paste can be segmented by type: standard, obturation, and others. The last category includes innovative paste formulations and specialized products tailored to specific industry requirements. The growing demand for ferroalloys is one of the major factors driving this market's growth. There are however other factors that drive growth in this market, including the demand for a more environmentally friendly and safer smelting method, as well as a greater focus on quality manufacturing processes. This can be seen in the growing adoption of automated systems. In order to meet this demand, many companies invest in advanced machinery and materials that can be used for electrodes. This will likely increase competition in the market, and enhance product quality.

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