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ECA for Carbon-Efficient Metallurgical Processes

Developing, building and financing new recycling project for green metals is a tremendous opportunity for the industry. To see these projects through, there are a few challenges and obstacles to overcome.

Investors and lenders are not comfortable with the business model and technology. This is one of the main obstacles. The availability of a stable supply of hydrogen as a feedstock is crucial to the deployment of ECA. Further, while the technology is in general proven at a smaller scale, demonstrating the technology at full-scale for all metals and all processing routes will be essential to attracting the capital required to fund these projects.

There are also no market indices that allow the trading of premium certified green metals. With the increasing demand for these metals, markets will be required to implement a more rigorous origination regime.


This will require greater emphasis on a broader definition of the 'green' metric and recognition of the nexus between a company's environmental performance and its financial sustainability. Further, a comprehensive life-cycle analysis should be undertaken in order to understand the impact of alternative processing routes on the climate change footprint of the metals sector.

This is due to technical limitations, such as the impracticality of separating and tracing the provenance of scrap materials used in manufacturing processes. This is due to technical limitations, such as the impracticality of separating and tracing the provenance of scrap materials used in the manufacturing process.

The use of ECA for carbon-efficient metallurgical processes has the potential to significantly reduce the emissions associated with metals production. This can be done by combining benefits such as reducing energy and emissions, with the ability to improve metal recovery.

Radical Waters ECA solution can be applied in all types of metalurgical plants, wet or dry. They are safe, environmentally friendly and cost effective. In addition, the technology requires less rinsing, making for significant savings on water and chemical costs.

It is not compulsory to have all post-secondary qualifications evaluated for immigration purposes. However, this can make a significant difference to an individual's score on the CRS and allow them the opportunity for the Federal Skilled Trades Program or the Canadian Experience Class. WES Canada's ability to quickly provide reports makes them the preferred evaluation agency for these programs. Please note that WES Canada does NOT evaluate 10th and 12th-grade certificates nor Master's degrees (these must be evaluated independently). Remember to submit all official English translations and colour photocopies for your transcripts and graduation certificates if you plan to submit them to WES. Click here to visit WES Canada.

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