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Calcined Coal For Carbon Block Manufacturing

This is the result of high-temperature treatment. Material of this type is used in aluminium and the iron and Steel industry to produce carbon paste for electrodes, carburizers, and cathode block carbons.

The anthracite used to manufacture carbon blocks is heated at high temperatures, without any air. In this way, the coal breaks down and releases volatile substances. A low-ash and low sulfur product is the result. The steelmaking process uses this type of carbon because it has many advantages over anthracite raw coal. These include a shorter fire length and less fumes.

It can improve the durability of metals. Because it contains more carbon, it makes a metal stronger. Addition of anthracite calcined coal to steel can increase its melting point as well as density. It also helps to decrease the amount of contaminants or impurities that end up in the product.


This material is also used to replace coke in certain applications in the metallurgical industry. It is cheaper than coke, and it has properties similar to anthracite. In addition, the lower sulfur content makes it ideal for replacing calcined petroleum coke.

China has two major types of coal calcined for the production of carbon blocks. Electrically calcined athanacite (ECA), the other gas calcined athanacite are two types of anthracite. ECA is produced in electric calciners or rotary kilns. This coal is higher in carbon, and more electrically and thermally conductive than anthracite. It also has low levels of moisture, sulfur, and volatile material. ECA is mainly used in the production of carbon blocks, Soderberg paste, tamping and prebake electrodes.

GCA comes from calcining the anthracite into a GCA in a combustion furnace. The sulfur content is lower than ECA. However, the ash level is higher. It is used in blast and ladle furnaces as a recarburizer, but it's also used to make carbon blocks, carbon bricks and tamping powder. Also, it's often used to substitute calcined coke for specific applications when producing ductile or grey irons.

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