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Calcined Petroleum Coke in Graphite Electrodes

Calcined Petroleum Coke is a product of crude oil refining. It contains mostly fixed carbon. It is a hard and tough carbon with good friction and wear resistance.

Binder materials for graphite electrodes include petroleum coke and needle coke. They are used in electric furnaces to generate electricity.

Low sulfur content

It is also very good for carbon products such as lithium batteries negative electrodes and graphite electrodes. It is because petroleum coke with high sulfur can cause problems, such as bloating and cracking in the manufacturing process. This is due to the sulfides that are dissolved in the coke during the heating process.

Dehydration can reduce the sulfide in calcined petrol coke. This is done by putting the petroleum coke in a closed container with water and heating it at a temperature of 12000degC to 13000degC. The majority of the volatile material and moisture is removed from the coke.

The metallurgy and foundry industries use graphitized petroleum coke because of its low sulfur content. It is a carbon raiser which improves carbon content when steel-melting processes and casting are carried out. It can replace scrap or even eliminate it. It is useful for smelting base iron alloys such unbreakable iron cast and ductile.

High Carbon content

The high carbon contents of calcined Petroleum Coke make it a valuable material for producing graphite electrodes. The carbon content of the product is a key factor in its ability to resist high-temperature erosion, which is critical for steelmaking. A high carbon content also increases the conductivity and strength of the electrode.

The process of converting petroleum coke into a graphite electrode is a complex multi-step heat treatment procedure. This process is composed of several steps, including roasting (impregnation), graphitization, and impregnation. The quality of an electrode is determined by many factors. These include the microstructure of coke, the particle size and shape of the particles, the true density and the sulphur level.

The type of coke that is used for graphite electrodes depends on the needs of the plant. Sponge coke is characterized by a needle-like texture and a fiber texture. It can be used in applications requiring a high friction resistance. Needle Coke has a crystal structure and is used for applications which require high strength, low ash components.

High density

The capacity performance of graphite electrodes is closely related to the treatment temperature of carbon coke material. The anisotropy of high-quality calcined petrol coke is evident in its heat conduction, electrical conduction and magnetic conductivity. It also has low ablative capacities and good thermal shock resistant. It is a vital raw material for the manufacture of lithium batteries.

The calcination can improve the graphitization and density of the pet coke, which are beneficial for the production carbon paste, cathode graphite crucible, and pre-roasting electrodes. The calcination procedure also reduces coke's hydrogen content. This increases the ability of coke to resist cracking, corrosion and other problems.

The calcination is a high temperature heating process which uses fuel gas in order to remove moisture and volatile material from the carbonaceous raw materials. The resultant coke is stronger, has less ash and is more conductive. This coke will be used in graphite cathodes, and for baking electrodes.

High conductivity

CPC is made by removing volatiles from green petroleum coal. The solid is black or dark grey with a metallic luster. The calcination procedure lowers hydrogen content, increases carbon content and graphitization level, and improves its electrical conductivity. Also known as graphitized petrol coke.

During the roasting procedure, calcined petrol coke absorbs and then releases heat in order to maintain temperature levels and moisture. This is crucial to the quality of the product.

Weifang Lianxing New Materials Technology Co., Ltd. built and designed an experimental system that included a waste heat-exchanger, a system for supplying calcined petrol coke, a system for water circulation, and a system to measure the temperature. The system uses a FLUXUS F601 to measure steam velocity and dryness. The measured results are transmitted to the control system.

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