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Calcined Anthracite For Sintering

Calcined Anthracite, a dark coal similar to rock, contains a higher amount of fixed carbon and less ash than petroleum coke. It is also more environmentally friendly and less volatile than petroleum coke. This has led to an increasing interest in its use in sintering process as a substitute of coke breeze. This is a complex process and requires extensive testing in order to find the right combination of raw materials. This article aims to compare the basic characteristics of anthracite and coke breeze, as well as assess the effects of using different amounts of calcined anthracite to partially replace coke breeze in sintering. The results from sinter pot tests were used to determine thermal bed properties, sintering indexes and granule-size distribution of a anthracite sinter.

Anthracite is a fossil fuel that is found in North Devon and Cornwall, England, as well as in parts of Wales and Germany. Anthracite is used for domestic purposes in stoves with a hand-fired fire and automatic stoker ovens. The fuel burns cleanly without generating much soot and delivers a large amount of energy. It is also used in industry as a coke replacement in the sintering and pelletising processes, as an ingredient in charcoal briquettes, and in some gasification applications.

It is prepared from mining the natural anthracite deposits. Large lumps of anthracite are raised from the mine and fed into breakers that reduce them to varying sizes, depending on the required use. Steamboat, stove and egg coals are the resulting products. They are then processed through a system that uses graduated sieves in order to create the final anthracite.

The main sintering phases are hematite (Fe2O3), fayalite (2FeO*SiO2) and dicalcium silicate. The main sintering mineral phases are hematite (Fe2O3), fayalite (2FeO*SiO2), dicalcium silicate and calcium ferrite (CaO-Fe2O2-SiO2). These minerals react at temperatures over 1200 degC to bind iron and silicon oxide particles into a solid amalgamation.

The sintering experiment results indicate that the granulating performance of anthracite is comparable to that of coke breeze. Additionally, the anthracite-based mixtures showed higher ISO T strength and ISO A abrasion, as well improved RI RDI and RDI indicator compared with those only produced with coke. Anthracite can be used as a partial replacement for coke in terms of sintering. Moreover, anthracite has significantly better combustion characteristics than coke-breeze, which are important factors in sintering. Consequently, the substitution of anthracite for coke breeze can lead to significant cost reductions in sintering plants. This is true, in particular, if you increase the proportion of anthracite to coke-breeze in the sintering mixture. However, the substitution of anthracite must be carefully evaluated to avoid low sintering indexes.

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