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Green and Calcined Petroleum Coke Production Certifications

Petrol coke (or petcoke) is a carbon rich byproduct of oil refining processes. It provides fuel to industrial operations, such as paper, brick, aluminum, steel, etc. It can also be converted into titanium dioxide to use in paints for coatings, colorings and varnishes.

The demand for calcined and green petroleum coke will continue to increase due to several factors. These include megatrends like electro-mobility, additive manufacturing and others. The reusability and versatility of aluminum are also driving the growth in this material. Through the forecast period, this growth will drive the market for green and calcined petrol coke.

To produce calcined oil coke, raw petroleum is treated under controlled temperatures in a rotating kiln. RPC undergoes a high-temperature heating process in the presence a combustible source of fuel, such as coal or natural gas. The RPC is dehydrated, demoisturised and chemically stabilized by heating in a Rotary Kiln. It is during this molecular rearranging process that the coke becomes electrically conductive, a property critical to aluminium smelting.

A rotary furnace is typically lined by high-temperature brick and can measure between 30 and 85 meters long. The width of the kiln ranges from 2.4 to 4.4 metres. Coke is regularly stirred during the calcining to prevent sticking and the formation of slag or oxidation. The calcination of the coal increases its hardness while decreasing the amount of moisture, an important requirement in aluminium smelting. The increased crystalline structure of the CPC makes it electrically conductive, which improves the quality of anode production and leads to a higher anode density and lower cell cost.

In a kiln-cooler, the calcined coal is cooled to temperatures below 350degC by indirect quenching. As the cooling water flows through the kiln, it is pumped past a cyclone-scrubber and a system for dust suppression to remove so2. This SO2 reduction is required to comply with regulations, and is a feature that is standard in most calciners.

In preparation for shipping, the calcined coal is ground, sieved, and dried. This preparation is a necessary step to ensure that the product will meet the specification requirements of the customer and to minimise any contamination. Samples of the finished product are tested to confirm the quality and specification before it is sold. The testing ensures that petcoke can be used for industrial purposes, and that it does not contain contaminants that may damage equipment. It gives the customer confidence in the petcoke they are buying, which can lead to a good relationship with the provider. For this reason, a reliable petcoke test company is crucial for the industry. The results of the tests ensure that petcoke is in compliance with contractual requirements and safe for industrial equipment.

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