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Calcined Petroleum Coke for Iron and Steel Industry

Petroleum coke is produced during the oil refining process. Petroleum coke is a dark-colored solid with low sulfur content and a high carbon content. The fuel is used in a variety of industrial applications. Iron and steel is one of the main consumers as it's needed to produce electrodes for electric arc and Induction furnaces.

The iron and Steel industry uses calcined Petroleum Coke for many reasons. It can be used as a coal substitute in blast furnaces to melt iron ore. Calcined petcoke, on the other hand, is a key raw material used to produce carbon anodes for aluminum production. In addition, it is also used as a replacement for fuel in power plants and cement kilns.

Calcined Coke is created by heating the green petroleum coal (GPC) during the delayed-coking process to temperatures over 1200degC. The majority of GPC in the West is calcined with rotary kilns, while shaft-calcining is common in China. GPC low in sulfur (low S), which was previously scarce, has seen prices soar to unprecedented levels.

As the global economy continues to grow, demand for calcined petroleum coke is expected to rise in the near future. This is due in part to the growth of the energy and steel industries as well as government initiatives that promote the environment.

To meet the increasing demand, more smelters blend CPC from multiple suppliers to reduce supply risks while optimizing their economics. More calciners also install waste heat recovery systems in order to reduce emissions and utilize the byproduct/waste gases from the calcination.

To ensure that calcined petrol coke can be used for the intended purposes, testing is necessary. The testing ensures that the metal, carbon and sulfur contents are within safe limits for industrial equipment and refinery equipment. It also helps to make sure that the calcined coke contains as few greenhouse gases as possible and is safe for industrial equipment.

It doesn't matter if you are a petcoke smelter, or calciner. A high-performance and energy efficient system is the best option to ensure that your petcoke reaches the calcination temperature, as well as the residence time, required. This project has developed an advanced CHP system that combines a fluidized bed calcinator with an electrothermal fluidized bed waste heat utilization system, to achieve the highest energy efficiency possible for this industrial process. This is the first technology of its kind. It provides the ability to calcine coke while producing electricity, and it is capable of doing so at lower capital costs than other technologies. Energy efficiency is achieved through the capture of heat that would have otherwise been lost in the atmosphere or used to feed boilers. This byproduct/waste can be utilized for both the combustion and calcination processes, leading to significant energy savings.

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