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Calcined Petroleum Coke in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Calcined petroleum coke is a black-colored solid material that contains carbon, sulfur, metals, and nonvolatile inorganic compounds. As a raw-material, it is widely used by many industries. These include aluminum, paints & coatings as well as carbon products. Some industrial processes also use the material as fuel. Low toxicity makes it a valuable source of energy. Byproducts of crude-oil refining are used to make it.

The calcined petcoke market is forecast to reach $10 billion by 2025. Rising demand for steel and aluminum due to flourishing construction and automobiles industry, development in the cement and power generation industries, growth in the supply of heavy oils globally and favorable government initiatives regarding the sustainable and green environment will boost the calcined petroleum coke market. Another factor that is expected to boost the market for calcined petrol coke is the increasing use of anode-grade petcoke, needle coke and other types of coke when manufacturing electrodes used in steelmaking.

The coker unit of a petroleum refinery produces coke as a waste product after processing heavy crude oil. The type of crude oil processed determines the amount of resid produced, and thus, the amount of coke. Coke is predominantly used for fuel in power plant and cement production. It also plays a major role in the production and processing of aluminum. This versatile, clean fuel provides more heating per volume of the same amount as coal.


In addition to its many uses, the calcined coke of petroleum can also be used in other ways such as for manufacturing chemicals or generating electricity via chemical reactions. Fuel cells are also being considered as it could be a source of fuel.

In a rotating kiln, the petroleum coke is subjected to a number of chemical reactions. This results in metathesis, pyrolysis and related products. These products of metathesis and combustion are used to generate electricity. Most calciners utilize waste heat systems to recover energy, and the flue gases are heated in the coke oven to create steam. This steam can be sold to nearby plants or used in a steam turbine generator to generate electricity.

Asia Pacific had the highest demand share on the global market of calcined Petroleum Coke in 2019. The increase in construction in Asia Pacific, particularly in China and India as a consequence of population growth and infrastructure development, economic reforms and other factors, is the main reason for this. The construction of road, rail, and dams is also driving demand for calcined petrol coke in these countries. Moreover, the rapid urbanization across the region is also creating the need for new housing units. It is anticipated that the need for more residential units will drive the market of calcined petrol coke.

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