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Steel Quality Improvement With Calcium Cored Wire

In steelmaking, calcium is fed into liquid iron and steel thanks to cored wires. The alloying addition is inserted smoothly into the metallurgical melt by a welding process.

Besides the standard calcium iron and calcium silicon wires, AFFIVAL offers also SiCa and AlCa cored wires for improved calcium treatment. They reduce oxidation and modify inclusions to an extent that does not harm mechanical properties.

Improved metallurgical properties

Steel quality is a very important issue in the steelmaking process, particularly in terms of fatigue resistance. Cleaner steel with a low sulfur content, a lower oxygen level, and a better inclusion shape is essential to achieve this. Calcium treatment helps to make the molten metal pure and partly change the nature and shape of inclusions.

The use of core wires made with solid calcium (CaSi) significantly improves the metallurgical properties of the steel produced. The welded sheath prevents the CaSi from leaking into the molten metal and allows it to penetrate deep into the steel ladle, thus improving metallurgical results.

In addition, the calcium metal in the core wire can be passivated, which reduces the speed at which it gasifies in the molten slag and avoids power leakage during feeding. This allows the slag to be tapped more quickly, which also increases the yield of the metallurgical process. The market for alloy cored wires in metallurgy is growing, and it is expected to continue to grow. This growth is attributed to the high demand for high-quality products with improved mechanical properties.

Improved machinability

Metal-cored wire is a tubular wire filled with metallic powders or alloys. It is used in secondary steel refining to perform tasks such as deoxidation, desulfurization and inclusion modification. In addition, it offers advantages such as higher travel speeds and fewer spatter particles. This can reduce rework and increase productivity.

During the process of producing cored wire, it is important to ensure that all production steps are carried out according to standards. This includes the compaction of the inner sheath, the sealing of the seam and the distribution of the alloying materials in the cored wire. The production line should also be equipped with an automatic weighing system to control the quantity of alloying materials in the cored wire.

The calcium cored wire is a composite of metal calcium block, iron powder and cold-rolled low carbon steel strip as sheath. It is a perfect composite calcium treatment additive for steel making. It can improve the machinability of steel by reducing the residual stresses in the weld region. It can also help to improve the tensile strength of the weld by minimizing cracks and fracturing in the weld area.

Reduced pollution of molten steel

The core wire injection technique can greatly increase the alloy yield, reduce smelting cost, shorten the smelting time and accurately control the composition of molten steel. It also can play a role in the purification of molten steel, partially change the nature and shape of inclusions, improve the quality of the smelting state, and prevent air pollution and slag pollution.

Pure calcium silicon alloy is pressed and filled into the steel sheath by professional cored wire machine. The encapsulated pure metal calcium wire is used for the purposes of de-oxidation, desulfurization and inclusion modification in molten steel. It is a high-quality composite deoxidizer and desulfurizer, and is widely used in the iron and steel industry. This technology is easy to operate and can save energy, labor and equipment costs. The cored wire is inserted smoothly into the smelter, and it melts at an ideal depth for a physicochemical reaction. The result is a high-quality molten steel with improved metallurgical properties and machinability.

Reduced consumption of calcium

Pure calcium cored wire is the main material for steel refining process of de-oxidation, desulphurization and inclusion modification. It can effectively reduce the content of harmful elements such as oxygen and sulfur in molten steel, promote caster nozzle clogging prevention of cast aluminum killed steel and improve the mechanical properties of steel.

The core of the pure calcium cored wire is made up of real metal calcium line, which doesn’t contain any powder or slag. Its specific surface area is very small, which greatly reduces oxidation and power consumption when it is fed into the molten steel. The encapsulation of the calcium cored wire also makes it possible for it to penetrate through the slag layer and reach the liquid steel at the bottom of the slag ladle.

The pure calcium cored wire can be easily fed into the molten steel, which significantly improves the feeding operation and decreases the work intensity of workers. The feeding position of the calcium cored wire is determined according to the steel slag liquid level, which significantly improves the steel quality and reduces the consumption of raw materials.

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