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Advanced Manufacturing Technology of Calcium Cored Wire

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In wire-based EBAM processes, the weld bead dilution is mainly dependent on the beam current, the welding velocity and the cored wire feeding rate. By analyzing the effects of the aforementioned parameters, the optimal weld bead dilution was achieved.

1. High-frequency anhydrous welding

The core wire is made of electrolytic calcium metal and encapsulated by a steel jacket. The welded sheath prevents the calcium from losing in the furnace, and thus improves its metallurgical performance compared with the current method of directly spraying calcium metal into the molten steel.

The HF welding technology uses two peculiar effects: proximity effect and skin effect. The HF current flows along the edges of the weld vee, and the sheath is resistance-heated to a shallow depth, resulting in a very thin and durable layer of weld deposit.

This technology can significantly improve the quality of steelmaking casting products and reduce the cost of alloy consumption. In addition, it is conducive to the adjustment of easily oxidizable elements in the steel melt and can effectively change the shape of inclusions in molten steel. It also helps improve the casting state and castability of steel. Besides, it can reduce the smelting time and save energy.

2. Intermediate frequency annealing

Cored wire is a kind of ground feeding wire used in the steel-making process. It is made of a metal calcium sheath with high purity, wrapped with cold-rolled strip steel. It is a key device for metallurgical refining of secondary steel-making, such as deoxidation, desulphurization and inclusion modification.

Compared to the traditional calcium iron wire, cored wires made with extruded solid calcium show superior metallurgical performance. This is due to the fact that sheaths made of solid calcium are much more durable than powder sheaths, and they can be injected into the steel melt deep enough to generate sufficient ferrostatic pressure to keep the cored material liquid.

In addition, the thick sheath of solid cored wire prevents the rapid evaporation of the cored material into the melt. This makes the calcium absorption rate much higher and leads to a better metallurgical result. The injection speed also influences the calcium recovery rate. The optimum speed should be determined from a fundamental basis to achieve maximum calcium recovery.

3. Core-spun wire

The core-spun wire equipment mainly wraps the calcium metal wire with strip steel, then adopts high-frequency anhydrous welding and fine shaping process, intermediate frequency annealing and wire take-up machine to finally produce metal calcium cored wire. It has the advantages of compact size, low weight and high reliability.

Compared with the pure solid calcium wire, it is more economical. It is also easier to handle and can be used in the process of extra-furnace refining. It can purify the shape of steel inclusions, partly change the nature and shape of molten steel, improve its performance, reduce alloy consumption and shorten smelting time.

Cored wire is a new type of treatment wire, which can increase the element yield, improve the quality of cast iron and steel, and reduce the production cost of steel-making. It has a better effect than the conventional method of powder spraying. It can also improve the permeability of slag and decrease the oxygen and sulphur content in the melt.

4. Core-spinning equipment

Alloy cored wire is a kind of steel-making ground feeding wire used in the modern steel-making technology. It mainly uses the furnace outer refining as a way to purify and control the steel inclusions. It can increase the molten steel yield, reduce the smelting cost and shorten the smelting time.

The alloy cored wire consists of steel strip and a solid calcium powder. The raw materials needed to make the core are crushed into certain particle sizes, and then wrapped with cold-rolled low-carbon steel strips to make a composite long wire. It is then wound into coils. The resulting alloy cored wires can be packaged according to user requirements.

The cored wires produced by our factory are well received in the domestic market and are exported to many countries. Our products meet industry standards and can be adapted to the special needs of different enterprises. They are also suitable for the treatment of all kinds of steels.

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