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Calcium Cored Wire in Titanium Alloy Metallurgy

Calcium Cored Wire is used in steel making industry for De-oxidation, Desulphurization and Inclusion modification. It is encapsulated pure metal calcium wire in steel sheath and then injected into the molten steel.

It has the advantage of high efficiency, one time investment, simple equipment and no pollution to the molten steel. It can purify the molten steel, change inclusion form and improve casting ability.


Cored wire is an out-of-furnace refining method used in secondary steelmaking to deoxidize, desulphurize and modify inclusions. The process uses a steel wire with an alloy powder in its center. The metal powder is usually calcium silicon or barium and can be injected into the steel melt in a controlled way at a high velocity.

This method provides more precise additions, higher levels of alloy recovery and much better metallurgical control than conventional solid metal wires. It also allows the addition of more expensive and scarcer alloying elements that would be impractical to add in large quantities as bulk alloys.

Alloy cored wire technology is a new treatment in steelmaking developed in recent years. It can purify molten steel, change the inclusion form, improve cast ability and mechanical properties, and increase the yield of ferroalloy and reduce the cost of steelmaking. It is a more advanced treatment than direct spraying and the direct joining of alloy blocks.


Steelmaking additives can be added to molten steel during secondary refining (also known as ladle metallurgy) for various purposes such as deoxidation, desulfurization and inclusion modification. However, the addition of these alloying elements in bulk leads to the formation of intermetallic compounds and beta flecks in the steel melt, which can result in reduced casting ability.

Moreover, this also increases the risk of damage during hot working. This can be addressed through the use of core wire technology, which allows for more precise additions of alloying materials and improved absorption efficiency by preventing re-adsorption of inclusions from the air and slag.

Cored wire is made from a steel strip that is pressed and stuffed with alloy powders using specialized equipment. This method is able to effectively reduce the amount of raw material used in calcium silicon alloy production, as well as save energy and water. It is also a promising technology for welding and arc forming titanium parts.


The pure calcium wire encapsulated with sheath is used for injection into steel melt for the purpose of de-oxidation, desulphurisation and inclusion modification. Its excellent performance in this application can be attributed to its good dispersibility in the melt and its ability to change the shape of oxide and sulphide inclusions which improve the castability of the final steel product.

Compared to the traditional method of dropping CaSi in lump form into the steel ladle, cored wire technology has greater advantages such as high recovery of calcium in the melt and no oxidation of the powder. The process is also simple and easy to operate with a low one-time investment.

In addition, the cored wire can be easily stored after the operation. Therefore, it can be a more economical solution for the production of high quality steels that require strict content control, such as high strength steel and alloy steels. It can also help to reduce the waste of the deoxidising agents such as silico manganese and alumina.


The encapsulated pure metal calcium wire in steel sheaths (called cored wire) is injected into the steel melt with the help of specialized equipment for deoxidation, desulphurization and inclusion modification. This allows to increase the absorptivity of metallurgy additives. It also avoids reactions with air and slag, increases the injection speed, saves energy, and reduces reactivity of steel.

In addition, the cored wires have excellent heat transfer ability. They can transfer a large amount of energy to the melt drop to improve the sidewall depth of fusion, the grain refinement and comprehensive mechanical properties of the welded titanium alloy part. The weld quality of TC4 titanium alloy welds made with flux-cored and cable wire has been compared through EBSD analysis and tensile and impact tests. The morphology of acicular a' martensite in the weld heat-affected zone under cable-wire conditions is coarser than that under flux-cored wire conditions, and a greater number of fine substructures can be observed in the microstructure of the weld. The impact performance of the welded joints is also different.

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