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Calcium Cored Wire in Aluminum Alloy Metallurgy

MINTEQ offers industry-standard metallurgical wires with a range of diameters. Cored wires help to put alloy particles into molten steel efficiently, prevent nodules, and increase element yield.

Cored wire is made of a steel strip stuffed with alloy powders by professional cored wire machine. The alloys include calcium silicon, silicon manganese, aluminum calcium, and barium calcium.


Cored wire is a steel strip wrapped and stuffed with alloy powders. The wire is then inserted smoothly into the molten steel in the metallurgical plant. Cored wires are used to deoxidize, desulfurize and fine-tune the alloy composition in molten steel. It is also able to prevent nodules from forming and improve the yield of metal elements.

Ca’s solubility in liquid steel is low and the addition of Ca via cored wire injection makes contact with the molten metal intimate at the interface. This enables the removal of inclusions and oxygen (O) and sulfur (S).

Unlike bulk alloy feeding and powder spraying, there is no smoke and the temperature drop is very small (5-7%/min), thereby avoiding the splashing of the molten steel. This method is also convenient and economical, saving refractory materials and carrier gas. In addition, it is safe to use. It can be melted with different ratios of silicon and calcium to adjust the chemistry of the molten steel.


Compared with silicon calcium alloy blocks, granules and spheres which are usually used for desulfurization in metallurgical industry, cored wire has higher purity, a stronger deoxidation effect and can be injected into the molten steel more easily. It has many important functions in a variety of steelmaking processes such as slag treatment, iron removal and inclusion modification.

Flue gas desulfurization is a process that removes sulfur dioxide from a flue gas stream, mostly from coal power plants. This is done to reduce the amount of sulfur dioxide that enters the atmosphere, which is a major cause of acid rain.

The use of cored wire in this process is advantageous because it can help prevent the formation of long strips of sulfide inclusions, which would otherwise cause problems in the production of aluminum block. Furthermore, it can also reduce the clogging of caster nozzles due to alumina (AL2O3) inclusions caused by previous deoxidation. It also helps improve the plasticity and impact toughness of molten steel.

Inclusion Modification

Non-metallic inclusions (NMI) play a critical role in both steel melting and processing. Recent developments in NMIs characterization and classification, especially as a result of melt shop process variables, have provided new insights into their origins and their impact on the properties of steel products. These discoveries have also led to the development of inclusion engineering-tailoring the steel-melting process to obtain the desired composition, amount and size distribution of NMIs.

Platelet shaped inclusions such as MnS and oxy-sulphides are detrimental because they weaken the grain boundaries of steel. These can cause hot shortness, poor machinability and other problems.

Cored wires provide a method to modify these types of inclusions by increasing the stirring rate in the molten steel. The increase in stirring rate allows the inclusions to interact with the molten steel and be transformed into less active inclusions such as calcium aluminate or CaO. The modification time for CA inclusions into CaAl2O3 depends on the inclusion radii and the activity difference of Al at the interface between inclusions and molten steel.


Calcium is an abundant, soft metal that is used in steelmaking to deoxidize, desulfurize and modify inclusions. It is also a key ingredient in cast iron and is a critical nutrient for many animal species.

Cored wire is made by rolling and stuffing alloy powder into a steel strip through a professional cored wire machine. It is inserted into molten steel more efficiently and is better protected from reaction with air and slag. It increases the absorptivity of metallurgy additives and improves the quality of casting products.

Minteq offers a wide range of industry standard metallurgical cored wires in diameters up to 9 mm. These cored wires are produced with pure metal calcium and other alloys, including silicon, manganese, barium, ferro silicon, aluminum and others. These cored wires are available as bare or coated, with and without abrasion coating. They are designed for the deoxidation, desulphurization and inclusion modification processes in secondary steel refining applications.

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