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Magnesium Ferro Silicon and Rare Earth Alloy

During the process of the invention, magnesium metal is melted in a crucible; a silicon-rich alloy such as ferrosilicon is then dissolved into the melt. Next, a material containing rare earths is added to the master alloy. Material calculations, such as CALPHAD and first-principles calculations, were performed to predict the formation law and precipitation sequence of second phases in the magnesium alloy.


Attempts to produce master alloys of magnesium, rare earths and silicon by plunging solid magnesium into a rare earth-silicon-iron melt, or dissolving crushed rare earth-silicon-iron in molten magnesium, have failed. These failures resulted from the melting point of the silicon being too high, and also from the exothermic influence of the soluble magnesium on the melt.

Wanhua Metal Rare Earth Magnesium Ferro Silicon Alloy is shaped in gray lump with metal luster, and it can be adjusted by adjusting the content of silicon and iron. High silicon and low ferro means the melting point is higher, and density bigger.

In the case of resorbable orthopedic implants, calcium is added to increase graphite formation in cast iron in order to achieve better implant stability [1]. However, the addition of calcium significantly decreases the density of magnesium and silicon alloys. This has become a concern when it comes to the development of resorbable implants. Hence, the use of rare earths has been proposed to increase the density of MA without decreasing its corrosion resistance [2]. The usual addition of RE is performed as mischmetal and contains about 50 wt% cerium and the remainder mainly lanthanum and neodymium.


Ferro silicon is used in many applications, such as deoxidizing of steel and other ferrous alloys. It also helps prevent the loss of carbon during smelting and solidification. Ferro silicon is also a major raw material for other ferroalloys, such as ferromanganese, spiegeleisen, and calcium silicides. In iron production, it is used for inoculation to accelerate graphitization and as a nodulizer in ductile cast iron.

Magnesium Ferro Silicon Nodulizer is a magnesium and silicon calcium alloy remelting additive used as nodulizer in ductile iron casting. It contains rare earth elements, such as cerium, lanthanum and neodymium, a small amount of aluminum and a large proportion of iron.

It is a low-melting material with a high melting point and good mechanical strength. It also has good deoxidization and desulfurization properties. It is a good substitute for tin-containing magnesium nodulizer and other commercial products. Its main disadvantage is that it dissolves slowly in the molten iron, which can cause erratic casting results.

Production Process

The production of Magnesium Ferro Silicon is carried out by using a submerged arc furnace or an intermediate frequency induction furnace. The remelting reaction is controlled to achieve high silicon content and low calcium content in the final product.

The alloy is also known as magnesium nodulizer, it is a remelting alloy composed of rare earth, silicon and calcium, which can be used for different reactions in the metallurgical industry. The main advantages of this magnesium nodulizer are stable chemical composition, small fluctuations in the melting point, dense alloy structure, low magnesium oxide content, high spheroidization response, high pearlite promoting residual elements, and less air shrinkage.

The alloys of the present invention dissolve much faster than similar alloys containing 46 to 46% silicon. This allows them to react with molten iron at lower temperatures and reduces the violence of the reaction, smoke and flare significantly. This results in improved casting yields and fewer casting defects.

Quality Control

The raw materials used in the production of rare earth magnesium ferrosilicon alloy nodularizer must be deoxidized and de-rusted before smelting. Moreover, the smelting and melting of rare earth magnesium ferrosilicon alloy must be carried out in special equipment to ensure its MgO content is below 0.5%.

Rare earth magnesium ferrosilicon alloy nodularizer can be used as a deoxidizer and alloy agent in steel making, as well as a nodulizer in cast iron production. It can improve casting quality, save aluminum and reduce costs. It also has good desulfurization and deoxidizing effects.

Compared to traditional magnesium ferrosilicon, rare earth magnesium ferrosilicon has better mechanical strength and the effect of deoxidation and desulfurization is strong. In addition, it has good spheroidizing response and anti-decline ability. It can also be used in the manufacture of spheroidal graphite iron. In particular, it can increase nodule count in the casting. It is a high-performance and green engineering material. It has been widely applied in Mercedes-Benz, BMW and other transport brands, Samsung and Apple 3C electronic products; and aerospace, military and biomedical industries.

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