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Electrically Calcined Anthracite Market

Electrically Calcined Anthracite (ECA) is an industrial product that is produced by the process of heating high-grade coal in gas-fired furnaces. The resulting powder is finely processed and then used as electrodes, cathode blocks, and in other calcined anthracite applications. This market is expected to witness significant growth rates over the next few years. Its use is primarily found in the power generation and iron and steel manufacturing industries. Aside from this, the use of calcined anthracite in electrodes for electrical arc furnaces, pulverized coal injection systems, and electrothermal furnaces is anticipated to expand in the forecast era.

In terms of demand, Asia-Pacific is expected to account for the largest share of the global calcined anthracite market during the forecast period. Increasing demand for energy and rapidly growing industrialization are factors driving the market. Also, government support is expected to boost the market. With the increasing usage of calcined anthracite, the total cost of production is expected to be reduced.

Among major countries, China is the leading producer and consumer of calcined anthracite. Although the country produces the highest amount of steel in the world, the supply of the raw material is insufficient. Due to this, prices of the raw material are expected to be significantly affected. Furthermore, the declining mining activities are also expected to have a negative impact on the supply chain.

Some of the other key players in the calcined anthracite industry include Resorbent s.r.o., Sojitz JECT Corporation, and Well United Resources Limited. There are a number of small players as well, including Black Diamond, JH Carbon, and Kingstone Group. However, these companies accounted for only a marginal share of the overall market. Several major manufacturers are located in the U.S., Europe, and China. Various technology launches and acquisitions are considered as key strategies for the market. Nevertheless, the leading producers may consider changing their strategies to stay ahead of competition.

One of the key reasons for the rapid growth of the calcined anthracite sector is the booming applications of advanced high-strength steel. These metals are expected to increase the demand for calcined anthracite, which is in turn likely to drive the overall market. Thus, the upcoming forecast era will offer lucrative opportunities to the industry players.

Globally, the electrically calcined anthracite (ECA) market is expected to exhibit a high CAGR over the next few years. With its high carbon content, the calcined anthracite has significant application in the power generation and steel manufacturing industries. Moreover, the use of calcined anthracite is also expected to reduce the consumption of high-cost metallurgical coke. Additionally, the market is likely to witness a rise in the demand for calcined anthracite because of its high thermal properties. For example, calcined anthracite makes an excellent refractory material. Moreover, the calcined anthracite powder is also used in the chemical industry, water filtration, and in petroleum refineries.

The electrically calcined anthracite can be divided into two main categories, namely, gas calcined anthracite and electric calcined anthracite. Gas calcined anthracite comprises of anthracite that is heated in a gas-fired furnace. Electric calcined anthracite involves the use of DC electricity to improve its electric conductivity.

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