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Graphite Petroleum Coke

Graphite Petroleum Coke (GPC) is a solid carbon rich material that has a metallic luster. It contains approximately 90-97% of carbon and 1.5-8% hydrogen. It is used in refractory applications and in casting. The iron and steel industry uses it as a reduction pregnant agent, promoting nucleation of graphite in liquid iron.

GPC can increase the amount of spheroidal graphite, improving its mechanical properties. The application of GPC also has the potential to reduce the usage of expensive nucleating agents. In addition, the use of Graphite Petroleum Coke can improve the morphology of grey iron, which can in turn lead to a better grade of iron.

Graphite Petroleum Coke is produced by heating petroleum coke at high temperatures. This process is carried out in a graphitization furnace. During this process, the sulfur and ash content are removed from the coke. After this step, the product is compressed at high temperatures to form graphite. As a result of this process, the material will have a high absorptive character.

Graphite Petroleum Coke can be used in many applications, including the production of artificial graphite. Typically, the morphology of synthetic graphite will vary from irregular grains to flakey in fine powders. However, most of the morphology in a synthetic product will be similar to that of needles in coarser products.

Graphite Petroleum Coke has high absorptive properties and can be used to decrease the amount of scrap iron. Moreover, it can improve the shape of spheroidal graphite, which can help to save on micro-adjustment costs. Therefore, it is a useful material for the generation of carbon electrodes.

A variety of different cokes are used for commercial purposes. There are three main types: CK-1, CK-2 and CK-3. They all have varying particle sizes. CK-1 and CK-2 are both ground before being graphitized. CK-3 was also ground before ECE. Although it has a significantly smaller particle size, it is more uniformly dispersed than CK-1 and CK-2.

Unlike CK-1 and CK-2, CK-3 has no layers. This difference in morphology may allow for ease of layer exfoliation. Furthermore, the lateral dimension of the CK-3 particles varies considerably.

Graphite Petroleum Coke also has a high refractory and absorptive capacity, which can be utilized in the steelmaking industry. It can improve the quality of grey iron, which is a type of iron with a higher density than a steel alloy. In addition, it can be used to reduce the amount of ash and sulfur that may be present in the raw material.

Several other industries also use petroleum cokes. For example, the aluminum industry uses anode-grade coke. Also, the metal casting industry, the carbon and graphite industry, and the chemical industry all use petcoke. These industries consume approximately 9% of the total coke in the world. Because of the high sulfur content of petcoke, it can be difficult to use it as fuel due to the need to adhere to emission standards for sulfur oxide.

Graphite Petroleum Coke and Sponge Coke have relatively high chemical reactivity. Thus, these cokes are mainly used in the aluminum and metal casting industries.

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