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Graphite Electrode in EAF Steelmaking

Steel production is an industrial process that requires a variety raw materials and equipment. Electric Arc furnaces, or EAFs, are one of the most crucial pieces of equipment for modern steel mills. They use graphite to conduct electricity, and heat the smelting process at high temperatures. In China, where the EAF production process is very prevalent, the use of carbon electrodes for smelting steel accounts for approximately 18% of crude steel production.

Graphite Electrode for EAF Steelmaking

The production of electrodes made from graphite is a highly technological process that requires strict quality standards. Graphite is made from a mixture of raw materials such as coal tar pitch, petroleum coke and other natural resources. The proportions are precisely measured to ensure that the final product has the right physical characteristics. This includes the level of chemical purity, which ensures that an electrode won't contaminate any steel, as well its coefficient thermal expansion (CTE), a critical factor for handling temperature changes in an electric arc oven.

There are many ways to reduce electrode consumption in EAF. These include: 1) The use of electrodes that have a higher conductivity electrically reduces the power loss from arc. This allows the EAF to operate at higher voltages, which decreases energy consumption and increases efficiency. (2) The use antioxidant pre-treatments can reduce oxidation. This can significantly increase electrode service lives. Energy consumption and electricity costs are reduced by efficient operation, which reduces interruptions in the steel production to replace electrodes.

Orient Carbon produces a wide range of graphite electrodes with different shapes, sizes and dimensions to meet the specific needs of various electric arc furnaces. These electrodes consist of a mixture made up of calcined petrol coke and coal-tar pitch in the exact proportions. The graphitized material produced is then extruded to the desired electrode shape, which must meet the thermal and electrical specifications of the electric furnace.

According to industry players, demand for graphite electrodes is high. This reflects both the continued decarbonization in China and the electricity shortages caused by Covid-19 in other countries. Due to these factors, the price of certain grades of electrodes has risen. Some mills have been forced to reduce production or even suspend it because of supply constraints. Nonetheless, industry participants remain confident in the long-term demand for the electrodes, particularly as the steel sector continues to expand globally. The industry participants also point out that the continued coal restrictions in China are likely to increase the demand for EAFs. This should in turn increase the demand for graphite electrodes that are of higher quality and can perform optimally in these conditions.

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