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Graphite Petroleum Coke

Graphite Petroleum Coke (GPC) is an essential carbon material with a vast array of industrial uses. Its high carbon content, thermal stability, and exceptional conductivity make it a crucial component in industries that require the highest levels of performance. GPC can be used in a variety of industrial processes. DYM Resources has been at the forefront in sourcing and broadcasting high-performance GPC. This provides industry with high-performance materials that meet strict standards of purity.

This is typically produced by delayed coking crude petroleum coke. It involves heating the fuel under an oxygen-enriched environment to convert it into carbon. The raw coke does not need to be pre-treated in order for impurities to be removed. This process allows for electrode-grade crude coke to be produced from crude oil coke. It has a lower sulfur and nitrogen content, making it suitable to manufacture high quality graphite electrodes for the aluminium industry.


The three types of coke produced by this process differ in their microscopic and macroscopic structures. The lowest value, fuel coke, has a sponge or honeycomb structure and is often used in electricity generation and cement kilns. Needle coke's needle-like structure is the most valuable coke. It's used to make large diameter graphite electrodes for the aluminium industry. Anode Coke, the highest-quality product is produced from Fluid Catalytic Cracker Decant Oil.

Specialty coals can be distinguished from traditional petroleum coke by their specific properties. The characteristics of these coals include low sulfur and nitrogen levels, as well as high carbon fixed content which is perfect for electrode production. These specialty cokes are also more thermally stable and have better electrical conductivity than standard petroleum coke.

As well as being used for graphite, these cokes have other uses, such as as a carbon-raising agent in precision casting and the steel-making industries, as an reducing agent in metallurgical applications, and also as lubricants. They play a crucial role in encouraging nucleation in liquid iron foundries, and in increasing spheroidization.

To improve the graphite-like qualities of these cokes, they undergo a processing known as graphitization. It involves heating the coke electrically at high temperatures, aligning its carbon atoms in a lattice like structure of graphite. This significantly improves thermal and electrical conduction. Graphitized coke can also be used as a feedstock in the production of artificial graphite, and it is an essential ingredient in batteries for lithium-ion power cells.

Graphite Petroleum Coke specs vary greatly depending on application and industry. However, all must meet strict specifications to ensure optimal results. Silvari Group works closely to understand the clients' needs and make sure they receive the correct product for their application. Our expert team can help you with any type of coke you require, whether it is fuel coke or anode. Contact us now to learn more or request a price.

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