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Calcium Treatment For Molten Steel and Pure Calcium Cored Wire Quality Control

Pure calcium wires are alloy materials that can be used to make steel and for casting. It is an alloy material consisting of specific powdered elements, mixed physically in a particular proportion and tightly wrapped by an iron coating. This can be used to purify molten iron, change inclusion composition, and more.

The pure solid wire cored with calcium is superior to the calcium iron wire or calcium silica wire.

1. Feeding with high stability and efficiency.

Pure calcium cored wire has a hard line and can resist bending and twisting during the feeding process, which makes it easier to control the feeding amount. It also reduces the occurrence of broken wires and wire rods, which can cause trouble in the production process. It saves time and effort. Also, it can enhance the wire's tensile and toughness.

2. Comparing it to wires with cores that are conventional, the alloying is stronger and there's a lower rate of injection.

The powder core used in conventional cored wires is low-density and easily oxidizes and burns when it comes into contact with molten iron. This causes an uneven distribution of calcium and lowers steel performance. The new, pure calcium-cored wire has an increased specific density as well as a reduced melting and boiling points. Additionally, it is less likely to be oxidized when in contact molten iron, and this improves its alloying ability.

3. A small core area of the calcium-cored wire and low oxidation can greatly reduce power loss during the feeding. The surface of metal calcium powder has been passivated to reduce metal calcium gasification speed, and reduce steel slag boiling on the surface during the feeding process.

4. It can be used to calcium treat steel molten outside the furnace in steel and iron enterprises.

The purpose of calcium treatment on molten metal is to decrease the amount of oxygen, sulfur and other harmful elements in the steel. To change the compositions of inclusions, avoid nozzle obstruction in cast aluminium killed steel and improve mechanical properties. This can help achieve the goals of improving cast quality and producing clean steels. It is the best tool available for calcium treatment in molten metal. Cored wires replace both silicon-calcium CaSi2 or ferrocalcium CaSi cored cables. Also, solid calcium-cored wires are suitable for treating other kinds of steel such as molten chloride and sulfide. This allows for a more effective and efficient calcium treatment, which improves metallurgical performance and reduces the costs of steelmaking.

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