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Pure Calcium Cored Wire Direct Supplier

Direct supplier of Pure Calcium Cored wire

The alloy core wire can be used for steelmaking to improve casting properties, reduce cost, and purify the steel. According to the chemical composition, it can be classified into ferro-calcium cored, calcium silicon, or pure carbon cored cored.

Calcium cored wires are much more effective in their metallurgical properties than powder-cored wires. Due to the cored-wire being injected more deeply into the ladle and generating enough ferrostatic pressurization to keep Calcium liquid, steel making temperatures can be maintained. This can avoid vaporization of the Calcium in the vicinity of the slag layer and greatly reduce losses due to the injection.

Moreover, it will not introduce other oxide that of existing in the powder cored wire to pollute molten steel, more conducive to pure steel production. The cored-wire is more easily dispersed in the molten alloy and allows for a quick and complete discharge, which improves the quality and consistency of cast steel.

The wire is more resistant to heat than any other wire core, making it ideal for ladle treatments at high speeds and the production of ultra-low-sulfur and low-oxygen steel. This wire can also be used to treat non-metal and silicon materials. The nozzle clogging of cast steel is also reduced by using the calcium cored wire, which makes it easier to pour and discharge the molten steel.

A calcium cored steel wire also has the advantage that it can be introduced into the molten metal at a much lower temperature. It is also smaller than the powder cored iron wire, so this is better for the casting process. In addition, the use of calcium cored steel can help prevent the formation of bubbles of slag in the molten metal and reduce turbulence.

In addition, because of its thicker sheath, the cored calcium wire prevents any calcium loss at the slag/slag interface, and the steel is kept clean. It is faster to use this method than spraying the calcium in the steel.

It is possible to feed the steel molten into the machine with a calcium-cored wire at a much lower temperature. This will improve both the quality and castability of steel. It is possible to customize the thickness of the welded sheath on the calcium cored iron. The wire core can be manufactured to have high purity. It is also easy to feed with normal wire feeders. It can be packed in a steel pallet with an iron cage or according to the customer's requirement.

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