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Electrode Paste ROI

Discount Disposables has introduced the TD-246 conductive paste, a great solution for skin conductance measurements. The TD-246 paste is non-toxic, gentle and safe. It is the only product available on the market that is specifically formulated to provide the desired electrical characteristics for measuring skin conductance. It is made using a highly purified, natural ingredient. It has also been extensively tested for safety and quality.

This paste is designed for use with any of Discount Disposables reusable electrodes. The TD-246 contains the perfect combination of gel and a viscosity that allows for a proper adhesion with the skin.

The TD-246 is an excellent alternative to the other conductive gels or pastes that can be found in this catalog and sold by other suppliers. Most other conductive gels are designed for electrochemical measurements and contain strong hypertonic solutions that are intended to depolarize the skin in order to measure the electrical properties of the skin. These gels do not work well for measuring skin resistance because they can interfere with normal activity in the brain and have adverse effects. The TD-246 is a highly pure, natural ingredient and does not have these negative side effects.

The TD-246 is best used in conjunction with a disposable surface, such as a stripe of surgical tape or abrasive materials such as Nuprep. A small amount is applied to the surface. This is then gently rubbed off with these materials, until a thin coating is achieved. The surface is then wiped with alcohol to remove any excess TD-246. The abrasion helps remove any dead skin that could affect the accuracy of the measurements.

Once the abrasion process is complete, the remaining TD-246 should be placed onto the disposable surface.

In submerged arc kilns, continuous self-baking (Soderberg) electrodes are used to conduct electrical power from the power supply transformers to the smelting area of the furnace. The electrodes consist of Soderberg paste, which is made from a mixture of a specific fraction Calcined Petroleum Coke or electrically calcined Anthracite Coal impregnated in a selective coal tar binder and processed at a certain temperature. The thermomechanical analyses are used to examine the thermal dimension behaviour of Soderberg's electrode paste raw material. The experimental results show a decrease in thermal diffusivity with increasing temperature. However, the volumetric specific heating capacity and phonons' speed increases with temperature. The ion selectivity of the electrodes is also demonstrated and shows good performance in relation to other available sensor technology. This is especially beneficial for nitrate sensor technology.

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