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Pure Calcium Cored Wire For Metal Treatment

Pure Calcium Cored Wires for Metal Treatment

Steel industry uses core wires extensively. They are particularly important for adding ferroalloys, and treating liquid steel. Their quality is dependent on a number of technical process parameters, including powder metric weight consistency, powder blends and packaging. The cored wire's performance is also highly dependent on how it is added to molten steel. the distance from the nozzle to the bottom of the ladle), and the temperature profile along the injected path.

AFFIVAL’s solid cored Calcium wire is a completely new generation of product compared with traditional CaSi/AlCaFe cored products. It has a better metallurgical result, which results in a reduction of the calcium injected and the cost of calcium treatment.

A cored wire is an electric welding wire with a metallic sheath filled with a metal powder or flux. It is used for a variety of applications, including in the iron and nonferrous metallurgy industry. Amongst other things, it is also widely used for de-oxidation and desulphurization in the steel smelting process.

Unlike conventional calcium cored steel wires, AFFIVAL’s Hi-Cal has a high-purity outer sheath and an inner sheath that is made of a pure calcium powder that has been highly compacted. This combination allows for the cored wires to penetrate a deeper layer of steel, reduces oxidation, reduces splashing and increases the rate of calcium recovery.


When using a solid wire, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and keep an eye on the molten condition at all times. The calcium cored wire can reach the deepest layer in the slag and maximize its metallurgical effect. It is necessary to control the feeding rate and rhythm to avoid affecting slag injection depth. In addition, the hydraulics in the feeding machines must be in good working order. This way, the slag level can be kept at a low value and the risk of clogging the steel ladle is reduced. The use of solid cored wires for calcium treatment will also help reduce slag. This in turn, lowers the energy and raw material costs of the steel mill. In today's economy, this is a huge advantage. Steel production is a major contributor to greenhouse gases.

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