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Pure Calcium Cored Wire Availability

Pure calcium Cored wires are available

Cored wire feed systems can be utilized to trim, alloy and treat calcium in nearly every unit for treatment of steel that includes ladle ovens as well as vacuum units. There are various ways to introduce calcium into steel to aid in secondary metallic. All have adverse consequences. Cored wires are the most cost-effective and most efficient method to accomplish this.

The cored alloy wire may be utilized to cleanse the molten steel, change the appearance and form of inclusions, improve the casting quality and strength of iron that has been melted. It can also be used to deoxidize or as a desulfurizer through the reaction of oxygen in the molten metal to lower the level of oxygen and increase the quality of the steel and machinability.

But the issue of conventional wires with cores is that they must be injected at high speed in order to achieve a sufficient depth in the molten metal. The result is the effect of local supersaturation that in turn lowers the efficiency of the recovery. To stop this from happening Volza's China Export Data offers a alternative: the brand new Hi-Cal wire that is cored.

Hi-Cal is an unidirectional cored wire that has steel sheaths and powder filled at a rate of 54 grams per cubic meter. The wire can be fed using existing equipment within the plant, meaning that expensive lance systems are not required. The investment costs and operational costs are reduced significantly.

Hi-Cal is similar to cored wires used in traditional processes, but it is injected at a higher rate. It allows the wire to enter the slag layer at an appropriate depth. This decreases the risk of oxidation to the slag as well as increasing the absorption of slag by the molten steel, resulting in higher recoveries.

Hi-Cal's excellent efficiency in treating calcium has resulted in a dramatic enhancement in steel's quality. In the case of one significant US steel plant in the US, the amount of calcium additions was reduced from 39 kg of calcium per ton of liquid steel using conventional cored wire to 15 kg of Ca/t with Hi-Cal.

Hi-Cal is a brand new steel wire with a core that provides major advantages to the steel industry and the environment. It's highly efficient and comes with a lower normal deviation of calcium ppm, which makes it a reliable alternative to conventional cored wires. It reduces by a significant amount the calcium needed for the processing of the steel that is molten, which results in significant energy and raw material savings. This can be a huge benefit for the steelmakers' profits. It also means less chemicals required. This has an impact positive on the planet. This makes it the best choice for environmentally-conscious steelmakers. Hi-Cal's use Hi-Cal can also help boost the profit margins of the process for making steel as well as improves sustainability of the industry of steel.

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