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Electrode Paste Testing

Tests on the paste are essential to maintain a high standard of Soderberg Carbon. Quality fluctuations in pastes can cause operational issues in furnaces. EECPL guarantees a consistent quality by using highly uniform raw materials. It also uses a technical process that is unique and has an efficient management.

Electrode carbon paste is mainly made from calcined oil coke and electrically-calcined coal. Materials are separated into various fractions by screening, then crushed or pulverized. A coal-tar pitch binder is added in the specified quantities. This mixture will then be passed through an agitator or mixer in order to achieve a uniform mix. The pitch must be heated in order to increase its fluidity, and improve the bond between it and solid carbon.

In the process of kneading, active material and thickener collide. This may result in unexpected cracking, chips, etc. As a result, the thickness of the coating on the collector may be reduced. Carbon paste quality can also affect the thickness of coatings on current collectors.

The inventor created a technique to measure the quality and quantity of electrode carbon paste for secondary batteries. Analyzing the absorbance in the supernatant is how this method measures the quality. When the absorbance from the supernatant reaches a threshold value, it is determined that the paste has a low quality.

The voltammetric determination of a range of substances, both inorganic as well organically, has been successful using a modified carbon paste electrode with mercury films. It offers a range of applications with metrological parameters that are comparable to those found in conventional graphite electrodes. The invention allows for surface and volumetric modifications of the electrode, reducing the mercury droplets and using less modifiers.

The Ten20 electrode paste is an electrode paste with high performance that holds electrodes securely in place and provides a smooth, clean surface to record signals. This paste provides superior conductivity and no signal loss. It can also be used for non-porous testing such as tensile, compressive or 90deg test. You can use it to test acoustic pollutions with the Instron audio tester. Expert technologists and technicians trust this product for its outstanding performance across a wide range of applications. It is available in a variety of formulations and is designed to meet the needs of various industries. Also, it is available with a range of packaging choices to match your requirements. Contact us to learn more. Our experts can assist you in selecting the correct formulation to suit your application.

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