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Electrode Paste Storage - How to Properly Store Electrode Paste

Electrode Paste Storage plays a vital role in the quality of electrodes. Carbon electrode paste is essential to the stability and performance. Improper storage can lead to the deterioration of electrode paste, which can cause safety accidents. The article will explain how to store electrode paste properly to ensure that it performs well.

The process of producing carbon electrode paste requires a lot of effort. The main raw materials are calcined oil coke (CPC), and anthracite - coal along with liquid coal pitch. To achieve precise particle sizes, the raw materials are crushed. They are mixed with the coal-tar pitch at a high heat to ensure that the chemicals are properly dispersed and mixed. Depending on the desired plasticity of the electrode paste, a quantity of coal tar pitch is added to the mixture.

After the processing is completed, the paste can be packaged according to customer specifications in cylinders or as briquettes. It can then be used in the submerged-arc furnaces. If the paste is placed on the top of an electrode column it will melt, forming baked blocks. The carbon electrodes are then able to deliver power to a charge mix in an arc furnace. This heat is used for melting and metallurgical reaction.


The electrodes should be stored in a dry, dark environment away from sunlight. The light may cause photochemical reaction that could affect the performance of the electrodes. The best way to avoid this is to store the electrodes in a dark location, where they will be protected from the sun's rays.

The container used to store the electrodes must also be made from a non-polar material in order to avoid chemical reactions. It is also important that the container has a good seal to prevent air and water from entering, as this can affect performance. It is also important to clearly identify the electrodes, such as their name, production date and batch number, in order to facilitate monitoring and maintenance.

Ten20 is water soluble, making it easy to clean with warm water. It is formulated to provide the right balance of adhesiveness and conductivity, which helps the electrodes stay in place during testing without disrupting the test results. Ten20 is trusted by experts in the field of technology and engineering around the globe. This product contains no Latex, either in the packaging or the ingredients. It is also manufactured with Latex free gloves. It is safe for intact skin areas, but it's not recommended for open cuts, bruising, or wounds.

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