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Electrode Paste Specifications

Electrode Paste, a carbon-based product, is used in Submerged Arc Furnaces for the production of Ferro Alloys or Calcium Carbide. It is made of Gas Calcined Petroleum Coke - CPC and/or Electrically Calcined Anthracite Coal - ECA impregnated with selective Coal Tar Pitch. Paste is available in various shapes such as eggs, briquettes and cylinders. Polygonal blocks are also available to correspond to electrode sizes. As the paste moves down the electrode columns, it bakes to a solid block.

The quality of the carbon paste has a direct impact on the overall performance of an electric furnace. As a result, it is crucial to monitor the paste’s thermal conductivity while its temperature rises in order to anticipate changes in its property.

It is difficult to achieve this task, as the heat transfer in Soderberg electrodes depends on a number of factors. These include: the graphitization level and the softening point of the carbon paste. To better understand this phenomenon, the thermal conductivity between carbon electrode pastes has been studied with different softening values.


Thermal conductivity of electrodes pastes decreased as paste temperature increased. The reduction in the thermal conductivity of the electrode paste is attributed to the fact that the crystalline structures of the ECA in the electrodes are destroyed at high temperatures and that a large portion of the ECA in the electrodes is converted into carbon black.

The carbon paste can be softer to increase the thermal conductivity. This can be accomplished by increasing the percentage of calcined petroleum coke and/or decreasing the amount of pulverized anthracite.

The optimum composition of the electrode paste should be selected based on its specific requirements as it will depend on the smelting variety and type of the submerged arc furnace. Also, it is important to consider the consistency and quality of raw materials as they can have a significant impact on the performance.

WECAGP only uses the best raw materials, and adheres to a unique process that ensures consistency. This ensures that the properties of the paste are not affected by the final product and also reduces the risk of problems in the smelting stage.

Our highly qualified and experienced engineers and technicians are available 24/7 to assist you. This is our way of showing our dedication to you and commitment to the success of your smelting operations. We are always available to answer any questions you may have. We are looking forward to your business. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your time.

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