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Improving Pure Calcium Cored Wire Storage

The pure calcium cored wire can be used to modify inclusions, deoxidize steel and desulfurize it during secondary refining. It is made with electrolytic cal metal encapsulated inside a steel sheath. It can be continuously injected in the molten alloy through a spinneret. It has many advantages compared to regular cal wire including lower production costs, improved calcium treatment efficiency and long storage time.

The main purpose of cored wires is to provide better reaction with steel molten and thus increase the yield rate during calcium treatment. This is because the cored cable has a greater calcium absorption rate, and less impurities. The sheath for the cored cal wire is thicker. This reduces splashing and calcium loss during wire feeding. The cored-wire can also reduce the amount of heat required to treat molten metal, saving both time and money.


However, if the cored wire is not stored properly, its performance can decline significantly. For this reason it is essential to follow strict storage, handling and handling procedures. These steps include using the right stacking techniques, avoiding humid environments and using rust inhibitors to prevent corrosion. To ensure the safety of cored wires, it is vital to use the right transport tool.

In order to improve the storage performance of pure calcium cored wires, LS Ferroalloy has conducted an extensive study on its properties. In addition to macroscopic, microscopic, and technological observations, the company performed EDS analyses, tests assessing elastic properties, resistance measurements, and other tests. The results show that the storage duration and temperature have a significant impact on the cored wire's quality.

Research shows that the best method to increase the storage life of pure calcium-cored wire is to reduce the exposure to moisture and oxidizing substances. This can be achieved by storing cored wire in an airy, dry environment. Moreover, the condition of cored wire should be monitored during storage and shipping to ensure that it is kept in good working order. LS Ferroalloy is a company with a lot of experience in cored wire production. It also has a technical team of professionals that can help customers with any questions. LS Ferroalloy is able to assist you in finding the right solution, whether you want to purchase pure steel cored wires or another type. Contact us to learn more about the products we offer or to request a quotation. We look forward to hearing from you!

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