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Electrode Carbon Paste for Antioxidant Detection

Electrode Carbon Paste (ECP) is the silent force empowering the metallurgical industry. This consumable is used in the production of ferroalloys as well as calcium carbide by electric arc furnaces. It's the unsung heroine that makes the entire process of smelting/refining efficient and reliable.

If its quality changes, this can cause serious issues in the melting furnaces. To achieve stable quality it's important that raw materials are consistent, the technical process is unique and there's a good management system.

Carbon paste electrodes differ from the glassy electrodes in that they are made up of different carbonaceous substances that have been baked into a paste. The electrodes are heterogeneous and offer a good electroanalytical result due to the high electron transfer, large potential window, low back-current, chemical inertness, etc. Also, they are cheap, simple to make, modify and replace.

Their mechanical resistance is not as high as GCEs, and they cannot tolerate harsh environments such a smelting ovens. The reversibility of these materials is also less than optimal. This is mainly due to the crystalline structure of the carbonaceous material that causes an irreversible loss of carbon during smelting and baking.

By combining carbonaceous materials, a new generation of ECPs was developed. This allows for a stronger and more resilient structure. These are mS-CPE, multi-wall carbon nanotubes-based CPE, and conventional glassy-carbon-based CPE. The voltammetric behaviour of three different types of ECPs is investigated in this study for detection of antioxidants, such as glutathione and ascorbic acids, as well as phenolic compounds, mono-, di, and triphenols.

The ingredients are all brought to the mixing plant, and they are proportionately mixed together in order to produce a uniformed aggregate. The aggregate is then preheated to 1800C and then liquid coal tar pitch is added at the required quantity depending on the desired plasticity of the paste. Using a Sigma type mixer, the carbon and coal tar pitch are blended together to form a smooth and compactable paste.

This paste can be packed into cylinders (or eggs) or briquettes. Then, it is fed through the melting furnace column. ECPs then become a solid, carbon electrode in order to complete the refining/smelting processes.

EECPL has the exclusive range of carbon electrodes specialized for submerged and electric arc furnaces. The high consistency of raw materials we use, our superior technology and the management that ensures quality are all geared towards ensuring the best carbon products. We can provide the highest quality service to our clients and minimize their downtime due to smelting problems. EECPL is different than the other companies and our customers prefer us to them. Our products will show you how to increase efficiency and productivity. Get started by contacting our team. You can contact our team today.

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