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Pure Calcium Cored Wire Distributor

The steelmaking process involves a series of steps to produce a quality product. It is first necessary to produce a liquid called molten Steel. Then the impurities of the steel are removed to create the final product. This includes carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and other impurities that may affect the overall steel quality.

To remove these impurities, calcium is added to the molten steel to form a slag. The slag is composed of Calcium gas and Calcium oxide. The slag is used to remove impurities and improve the performance of liquid steel. This steel is characterized by enhanced mechanical characteristics, such as high strength.

This slag can also be used to make other products, such as castings and pipes. Pure Calcium Cored Wire Distributor is an innovative new technology that allows the use of larger amounts of calcium than traditional methods. The result is a higher level of metallurgical efficiency and reduced costs.


Cored wires are an innovation that is important for the industry as they improve the quality of steel. Reduces the viscosity in the steel, which makes it flow better and easier to cast. A higher quality steel with less impurities is produced, increasing the efficiency of production.

The cored wire is made of a steel strip that has been wrapped in alloy powder. Cored wires are most commonly silicon, iron and calcium. Wire feeders can assist in feeding the wire cored into the ladle to help achieve desired deoxidization during the steelmaking process.

Normally, the alloy deoxidizer such as pure calcium iron can only enter the upper position of the molten steel in the refining furnace, and it is easy to be oxidized. But if it is thrown directly into the molten steel, it will quickly burn and cause combustion. Cored wires were invented to solve the problem.

The cored wire's outer coating is made of a low-carbon cold-rolled steel strip. Its intermediate layer is solid metal calcium wire. The inner core core of cored wires is a metal-calcium alloy, which has few inclusions. It is widely used in the ladle refining process for deoxidation, desulfurization and inclusion modification. In comparison to adding a calcium block to a ladle in the past, cored wires have boosted the efficiency and effectiveness of metal calcium recovery. This can save on energy and reduce costs of slag processing. This cored wire offers the benefits of easy control, safety, and reliability. This wire can be easily handled with normal wire-feeding equipment.

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