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Carbon Additive for Carbon Capture Technologies

Carbon capture, storage and utilisation (CCS) technology is an essential tool for decarbonisation of fossil fuel power plants and other industrial processes. Energy companies will be able to reduce carbon emissions and sell carbon free electricity to customers. The underlying technologies may still be in their early development stages, but they are advancing quickly and will likely reach commercial readiness around 2050.

Carbon dioxide emissions are a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions have been identified as a key driver in the climate change that is threatening our planet. Carbon capture technologies will be critical to climate protection until renewable energy technology matures enough to replace fossil fuels (Osman and others). 2020a).

The process of capturing Carbon from Flue Gases involves three main steps. These are: Capturing the CO2, Transporting the CO2 to CCS facilities, and Storing the captured carbon. Carbon capture technologies have been developed and some are now commercialised. This includes adsorption-post-combustion systems, oxyfuel-combustion and biphasic-solvent systems. BECCS Technology, membrane polymeric CO2 capture, direct air capture and other technologies are at the demonstration stage.

Recent breakthroughs in carbon capture technology include a unique aluminum device. This device, which is the first of its kind, improves efficiency by eliminating heat produced when solvents absorb CO2 from smokestack gas. Researchers used custom design and additive manufacturing to create this multifunctional tool, which includes multiple components to address the challenges of existing coal plant capture systems.

Another example of a promising new carbon capture technology is the use of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) to adsorb and store CO2. The complex pore structure of these materials provides a high surface area for adsorption. You can modify them to optimize their properties for adsorption by changing the structure of the pores and loading them with polar ions. This allows them to have a tailored pore morphology for carbon capture (Ding et al. 2019).

Reduced costs are one of the main challenges for carbon capture technologies. Currently, the technologies are expensive to develop and operate. To make carbon capture technologies more feasible for large-scale deployment, they must be cost-effective and efficient.

Il is also important to identify potential uses for the captured carbon. This will help to encourage investment in CCS. In addition, CO2 may be redirected towards enhanced oil recover and other uses. Selling the carbon for these applications can provide additional revenue to CCS facilities, which will further incentivise their deployment (Osman et al., 2020b).

The research team is actively seeking partnerships with industry and academic institutions interested in this cutting-edge technology. Students are learning about commercialization through the NSF Innovation Corps Program, while they are developing a business proposal for the project. They will gain valuable experience on innovation and entrepreneurship.

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