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ECA for Carbon Brush Manufacturing

Carbon brushes play a crucial role in electric motors as well as generators. They prevent arcing by transferring currents in a smooth manner between the commutator/slipring and the motor.

Market growth for carbon brushes will accelerate due to an increase in DC motor demand around the world. In the coming years, demand for carbon brushes will also be fueled by electrical hand tools.


Carbon brushes in DC motors conduct electricity between a revolving slip ring and a commutator. The brushes are made from a soft material which conforms to the irregularities on the commutator's surface. This helps to prevent sparking and smooth the current flow.

Graphite is used most often in the production of brushes. It can be produced by natural geological processes, metal processing or smelting. Graphite's metallic and nonmetallic qualities make it useful for a range of applications. It is found in pencils, lubricants, furnace linings, crucibles, and brushes for electric motors.

Vibration-molded carbon graphite features a medium grain, a planar and isotropic profile that allows for its large format manufacture. It can also be modified to have specific tribological qualities by adding various additives or impurities.


PPS is a semi-crystalline engineering thermoplastic with excellent chemical resistance. It also has a flame retardant property. It's cost-effective, and its properties are somewhere between PTFE & PEEK. It has excellent fatigue resistance and creep resistance, and is steam sterilizable.

It can also be extruded with very tight tolerances. It is used to make electrical & electronics applications like bobbins, connectors, switches & relays. Its high heat & chemical resistance, toughness and dimensional stability make it a good replacement for metal alloys.

The resin can also be transformed into many different products such as compounds, glass-reinforced grades, fibers or filaments, films or coatings. It can also be used to create composites with fibers of carbon. It is not toxic, but improper handling can cause health risks.


Carbon brushes are essential in ensuring that electrical current flows to the rotating commutator on electric motors. Carbon brushes are durable and perform without sparks because of the close contact between brush and commutator.

Carbon brushes are made by mixing materials, then molding them to a shape which will allow for optimal contact between the brush and the rotating part called the commutator. Carbon is typically molded into a rectangular or cylindrical block. Binders, such as pitch or phenol, are added to the carbon powder in order to keep it in its desired form during compression.

FMI expects surging automation adoption across industries to drive electric motor demand, which in turn will boost carbon brush sales. This will especially be true of electrical hand tools, which are often powered by electricity from a brush-type motor.

Metal Powder

Carbon brushes are used in modern industrial machinery to transfer electricity from commutators. These brushes must have a low friction coefficient, but also be resistant to electrical current.

Using the powder metallurgy process, metal powders can be compacted and sintered to produce complex metal parts. Iron, aluminum, nickel, copper, tin and silver are some of the metals that can be used.

Carbon brushes with or without copper powder have operating properties that are at least equivalent to those of copper-bearing brush, and they are superior in terms their service life. The invention makes it feasible to produce such carbon brushings economically. The brushes are more efficient than traditional carbon and copper brushes and do not need a conductive coat.


Industrial motors use carbon brushes to convert kinetic power into electrical energy. This process is critical for generating renewable energy from wind turbines. Electric motor sales are expected to surge in the coming years due to rapid automation adoption across industries.

Carbon brush manufacturing involves mixing a powdery material, substantially carbon-based, with or without copper powder and pressing the mixture in a mold to form a green brush. The green brush will then be subjected either to heat treatment, or baking. The temperature of baking is controlled by a temperature curve that is unique to each carbon brush manufacturer.

This temperature curve is the second big "secret" of carbon brush manufacture and determines many other important characteristics such as resistance, hardness and commutator filming. Carbon brushes produced by hitting the curve precisely perform better than those made from plate material.

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