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Calcined Petroleum Coke Applications

Oxbow's calcined coke is primarily used by the aluminum industry to produce pre-baked and anode paste. The coke is used in the production of graphite electrodes, industrial silicon and carbon products.

The calcining of GPC converts it into anode grade coke, a form of solid carbon with low impurity levels and ready availability. The most common calcining process is shaft or rotary kiln.


Aluminum is a highly conductor metal that's used in a variety of industries. Aluminum is widely used in everyday products as well as electronics and technology.

Rain Carbon is the leading supplier of calcined oil coke for the production of coal-tar pitch. The pitch serves as a binder to carbon anodes that are used for the electrolytic production aluminum. This requires a carefully controlled raw material as well as special processing to meet specifications for aluminum producers.

Independent or merchant calciners usually blend CPC from different sources for anode applications because the bulk density and impurity level of green petroleum coke are different. The blending is done to ensure that the coke used for anode applications meets all specifications, including sulfur and other trace element levels. In response to the recent trend towards higher levels of impurities in GPC as a result of changes in crude and refinery costs, more calciners have added SO2 scrubbing techniques. Table I shows that the average V level in CPC anode shipped by Rain CII Carbon to aluminum smelters is moving towards specification maximums.


Many steel producers use calcined petrol coke in the production of their products. Fuel grade petroleum coke is burnt in refinery steam boilers to create heat and steam for industrial processes. It offers industries a source for reliable and affordable energy that they would not otherwise be able to afford.

The global calcined petrol coke market is driven globally by the growth of the steel industry, cement and power generation industries. Also, favorable government initiatives for a green and sustainable environment and a growing supply of heavy oil are driving the market. Demand for anode paste and carbon anodes in the aluminum industry is also driving the market.

Independent or merchant calciners blend different quality GPCs together to produce CPC that meets anode specifications for sulfur and other trace metals. They can also adjust Hardgrove grindability and other characteristics in order to optimize performance profiles for their customers.


Graphite, a type of carbon with a very high surface area specific, is a material that has incredibly low density. It's produced through a natural process, which coke goes through during the thermal cracking crude oil. It is made up of a hexagonal matrix of carbon atoms that form thin sheets. Three of these atoms form strong bonds with each other at the apices of equilateral triangles that produce the sheets of carbon. The fourth atom, which is unbound, forms weak bonds with the adjacent sheets. The sheets can slide over one another, which gives the material its lubricating and soft writing properties.

Calcinating GPC improves the degree of graphitization and reduces its hydrogen content. This makes it a suitable raw material to produce anodes for aluminium electrolysis cells. It also has a low reactivity to oxygen and water. GPC is prepared using independent or merchant-based calciners. These calciners combine different quality grades of GPC depending on the specifications for the anode to make sure that it has the right Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI).


In addition to fuel grade petcoke, calcined petroleum coke has a number of other industrial uses. It can be substituted for heavy fuel oil or petroleum coke in refinery boilers to increase energy efficiency.

Aluminum smelters use calcined petroleum coal as a key component of their anode. Oxbow CPC mainly goes to the primary aluminium industry for carbon anodes. The metallurgical graphite industry and the carbon industry also utilize CPC.

The calcination can be done either in tank furnaces or rotary ovens. The temperatures of the calcination process vary from 1200 to1350 @C, depending on which equipment is used. These high temperatures remove moisture and hydrocarbons while also modifying the crystallization to produce a denser, more electrically conductible product. The calcined material is cooled at 200 @C, so that it can then be transported by trucks, railcars, or barges. Smelters blend calcined coke with other grades to provide an anode mixture with the proper properties for maximum anode density and life.

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