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Calcined Petroleum Coke Shipping and Logistics

Calcined petroleum, also called petcoke, or calcined coal, is a solid product of oil refining. It is used in a variety metallurgical processes. It is obtained by heating petroleum coke to very high temperatures, which removes the hydrocarbons to form a solid product rich in carbon. This material has many uses, such as being used as a raw materials in the production of graphite, carbon mortar, and aluminum anodes in electric arc ovens. The calcined-coke market is expected increase significantly in the near future due to a growing demand for electricity and steel worldwide.

The calcined coal industry is fragmented with a large number of suppliers and customers in different markets. As a consequence, the competitiveness and efficiency of calcination plant is highly dependent upon their location as well as their ability to meet specific customer demands in terms of price, quality and delivery schedules. The metallurgical coal market is also highly seasonal and highly dependent on the demand from aluminum smelters.

DYM Resources specializes exclusively in the import and marketing of low, medium, and high sulphur Petroleum Coke. We serve the South American anode and industrial anode-grade coke markets in South America and internationally by rail, dry bulk vessels and trucks. Our calcination site at La Plata lies less than two-miles from the YPF refinery, a source of high-quality, low-sulfur, raw petroleum calcined coke. Our streamlined logistics allows us to efficiently serve the domestic Argentinean anode grade and industrial grade calcined coke markets while leaving a minimal impact on the environment.

In order to ensure safety and quality, we use a strict process of quality control during all phases our operations, starting with receiving and storing of raw materials and ending with delivering the finished products to our customers. Our quality assurance department inspects the products at every stage of the calcination process and the characterization process to ensure that they meet the highest industry standards.

Petcoke is a high-density material, and it's important to store it properly in the cargo hold of the ship. This will prevent the material from shifting during the voyage. In addition, measures must be taken to avoid self-heating and spontaneous combustion during transport.

The results of a modeling study on air quality showed that the exposure levels far from the plant were well below public health emission standards. However, the toxicity of calcined coke is still a concern because it is a potential source of toxic heavy metals and dioxins. Most authorities consider the risk of contamination to be minimal. This is particularly true for the low-sulfur calcined koke, which is less toxic than fuel petcoke grades.

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